Morgan smirked as his words made the other squirm a little bit, as could be seen through subtle changes in his body structure. However, he was not expecting that smile to pop out of one who's "You know, that I use the word "demon" in the elvish term. To the elves, everyone is a demon and everyone is an angel; everyone can be evil, and everyone has some good inside them. That's exactly what kept me going all this time, even through the years alone, running from something that I had no control of." Morgan said, explaining what he meant. Yes, he referred to both of them as demons, but that was also subjective. Morgan smiled and stood. "Now will you release me of the rest of my bindings? I wish to accompany you. These people may need some help, moreso from you of course. I don't think the vessel of a demon could help these people, nor would they even want me to." Morgan said, striving to feel the weight of his blade on his hip once again, something he had became very accustomed to.