Daesha awoke to a soft voice, and gentle touch. She was instantly aware, though she got up slowly, as she knew it was Kage. She blinked once, and then looked at him, her expression stone cold, but her eyes soft and quiet. "It's your watch, Daesha." He whispered softly. She nodded, getting up without a word and found a reasonable spot in the low branches of an oak tree, her crossbow on her lap, settling in for a long, boring watch. Only a few minutes had passed when she heard the rustling of feet behind her, inside the camp. She instinctively turned, crossbow in hand and ready. It was Iris, who put her hands up in mock surrender, flashing a childish grin. With a sigh, Daesha lowered the crossbow, shuffling further down the thick oak branch as Iris began to climb the tree. As the silver-haired female sat down, stretching her legs as she did, getting the last bit of aching sleepiness from her muscles, she looked at Daesha, her light smile turning to worry. "What is it, Daesha?" She asked. Daesha looked blankly at Iris for a moment. She somehow always knew when somebody had something weighing on their mind. She could She could analyze a rock, and tell it it's life story. It was uncanny, yet comforting. "I am just worried about Kage. After...what happened, he doesn't seem to stop thinking about her. It's haunting him, and...I just wish I could help." She said in one long breath, still focused outwards, while having a conversation with Iris. Iris nodded, empathetic. "I know. But, in truth, none of us can really do anything...He has to deal with it on his own. It will be hard...but I just know he will be fine...He just needs time." Daesha simply replied with a nod, still gazing out into the forest. Iris smilled sympathetically. Daesha and Kage had been together longer than any of the others. She also had been close to Alice. Now that she was dead, Kage was..not himself. Everyone saw it, and knew better than to bring it up directly. She just sighed inwardly, sitting quietly beside Daesha, bow in hand. An hour in to their watch, the sun began to rise, it's glow turning the soft green leaves into the color of fire. They both silently admire the beauty of the soft light, feeling it's warmth on their skin as it crested the trees. Though Daesha kept her eyes shadowed, obviously unaccustomed to daylight. Not matter how much she traveled during the day, she never seemed to be able to deal with the light well, until her eyes finally adjusted. Below them, sitting against the trunk of an oak tree adjacent to the one in which Iris and Daesha were perched in, hidden from their sight, was Kage, a silent tear sliding down the side of his cheek as he heard them speak. He knew they understood his pain...But it saddened him, knowing how they felt...Because in truth, he felt just as helpless.