Colorado was running through simulations. He always had to be doing something, there was always another puzzle he had to solve. He had long ago figured out how to hack into the Mother of Inventions systems ages ago, though he naturally had to rewrite some protocols to delete the encounter from F.I.L.S.S' memory. He stood up when he heard the call to go to the training room and sighed. Probably something not all that exciting, more drills. It was better than the class they had to take on A.I. theory for whatever reason. He had tried to find out why but those were files he could not access no matter how hard he tried. It nagged at him, it was a puzzle that he couldn't solve and thus it nagged at him, constantly. He didn't bother pulling on his helmet and walked through the halls., He briefly glimpsed Alabama walking into the room closely followed by Nevada and he sighed inwardly. He was hoping that this would be a private session instead of having too deal with everyone else, however it seemed he had to. He stayed standing in the room, eyeing all the exits as per usual to find a way out if he needed it. He merely nodded at his fellow Freelancers. He didn't see need to say anything while he waited.