As he settles in to crushing his mixture properly Chall pauses for a moment when the human speaks, for an instant feeling that something is off. His mind snaps to the fact that he did not see the horse when he exited the pond. However after a few long seconds he shrugs and goes back to work. [i]'Must have wandered off to eat. I can see that man giving his animals such freedoms, and since he has no great love of magic, one could suppose that he would want to get his beast away from it'[/i] He lets out a sigh, finishing the mixture, now a fine powder in the bottom of the bowl. Reaching over to the pond he scoops up a small hand full of water and drips it into the mixture. He tenses for a moment at the feeling of the man approaching, however he once more reminds himself of the kindnesses the man has shown and finishes stirring the medicine into a paste. “There we go. . .” he murmurs, smiling at the smell wafting off the herb paste. The figure of the man looking up behind him does become a little disconcerting, naturally, but at this point Chall has decided that the man is odd in his own way, and will do what he will, as he wills it. [i]'It is not my place to push anything upon him, my presence having already disrupted his life likely far more than he would care to tolerate. . .For such a kind man, or so he appears, he takes his kindness almost as a burden. . .'[/i] Having had very little experience with such kindness, Chall is no great judge of such things. However, he believes his thoughts, and is content in them. He can not claim to be completely free of arrogance, and this is a prime example of it. Just as he prepares to put the healing mixture in place the sudden shift behind him makes him go stiff. The proximity between the two beings lessens greatly and Chall can not stop his tail from going stiff and poofing out a bit. His heckles rise as suddenly he feels flesh against his own, but not his own, and the hissed words do more to rile him up than settle him. A snarl finds it's way from between his lips, the unusual situation bringing about naught but fear and anger in the young man. He can not feel the magic of the one behind him,all of his prior focus being internal after being so drained. Had he not called it all in, he may very well have sensed that the thing on the shore was not his once host. As it is however, all he can tell is something is touching him, and he doesn't like it. As the fingers slide lower his snarl deepens, his finger curling into attacking curves. [i]'What in the moons is this!? How dare he touch me like this. I may be grateful, but I would never permit such contact, with anyone, so sudden and without permission. I do not care what I owe him, I'll. . . I'll. . .'[/i] His snarl breaks into a whine, his tense body going from angry, to purely fearful. He manages to not start trembling as the magic, tied in so close with his life, is pinned, suppressed, taken out of his control. [i]'What, how. . . This is not Wren, he has no such power. I can feel it now, inside me, it is. . .Full, natural. . .This is not Wren. . .Am I so foolish as to let such a thing come so close to me?'[/i] His thoughts continue to spiral even as the bring behind him watches how his magic responds to being pinned. Many court mages would have their magic fight, to flare up and begin attacking anything it can. The anger inherent with natural human fallacy would attack, more often than not, without care of the consequences. However this half kirin's magic settles as he demanded the boy himself to still. [i]'Interesting. Despite being so drained, the control he exhibits is very intriguing. He may just be what we need. . .'[/i] He glances over as a few water sprites, nymphs, peek over the edge of the bank. Chall to glances over at the movement, however being rather familiar with such creatures he does not start at their appearance. In fact, as the slide in closer he relaxes a bit. [i]'They would not be moving in closer if the thing behind me was in a particularly hostile mood. He must be. . .They must know it'[/i] In a very soft and respectful tone he whispers, “If my thanks was not enough, I beg forgiveness and open myself up to whatever is needed of me. . .” He catches his breath as the hold on his magic seems to tighten and he falls silent. The nymphs watch with wide eyes as the spirit continues his assessment silently, his own magic moving about freely inside the lad, so open Chall is to natural magic the act is almost effortless. At last he says softly, still keeping a firm hold on Chall's magic, “I seek n more from you, your words and sacrifice welcome and more than enough to pay for the aid to you. My act now is for. . . .Different reasons. . .” Chall swallows at this, the tales of the mischief of the spirits long told by his mother, and even more by his master when in his younger training years. True, the magic of man these days have little to nothing to do with them, however his master knew Chall was different, and made sure that even rumors of such things were part of his learning regime from the very beginning. [i]'Oh great, a spirit, just what I need right now. I need to travel, tapping the lay lines as quickly as possible, and now I have a spirit interested in me or something I can do. If I did not know any better, I would say fate it toying with me. However, I do know better. Fate doesn't give one such as I even the shadow of a thought'[/i] He stays still, as he was bidden, the nymphs watching, speaking softly to one another on occasion as thread after thread of magic passes through the young man. He is completely dry, save for the parts touching the wet grass, by the time the spirit is finished and releases him. Chall lets out a long sigh, turning his head ever so slowly to glance at the man at his back. However he does not seem to quite resemble a man any more. The form of Wren still seems to dace before Chall's eyes, however the clear features of what lay beneath seems to shimmer into view with each gentle breeze. He looks upon the deer like features, the slender limbs, the tall antlers, the aura of magic around the bring now quite clear. The bright colors around his neck and face look beautiful to the young mage and with a sigh he does his best to relax. Without a word the spirit motions that he should finish what he was doing before anything else. The nymphs, three girls and one small male, settle into the shallows on their stomachs and giggle lightly as they watch Chall comply. Even as he begins applying the mixture he can still feel a web of magic, not his won, dancing about inside him. [i]'This may not have a good affect on my own magic, and I should avoid using it too much until I figure out what he's done to me. . .'[/i] Once the poultice is in place Chall quickly wraps his shoulder in a bit of clean cloth and takes a calming breath before turning to the side to address the spirit. Now facing the nymphs he watches as hey giggle, getting a better look at him now that he is not longer half turned away. He still feels no shame in this, and as such takes no note of their reaction. He is instead fare more interested in the spirit who saw fit to violate his body with it's own, while very pure, near sickening magic. It is not that the magic is bad, however such purity , it clashes with Chall's magic a bit, and he is not use to the clash. While ti may have been easy for the spirit to move it's magic around within the young man, it is not so easy on the other side of that exchange. The spirit nods approvingly at the wrap before giving Chall a faint smile. The half breed is unsure what to make of the expression.