"I certainty meant no offense." Buck said. "Force of habit. Kid and son are just little terms of endearment." Buck chuckled slightly. "Armadillo in the morning it is." With that he drifted off into a soft slumber. He awoke the next morning and looked around. The horses were by the pond and there were none of those creatures to be seen. He climbed down from the tree and checked his snares. He had managed to snag a squirrel. "Better than nothing." He shrugged. He quickly skinned and gutted the squirrel and gathered a few twigs and small branches. They couldn't afford a big fire. Might attract some unwanted attention. As he gathered the branches and kindling he called up to Joseph. "Rise and shine mister. I'll have a little bit of breakfast ready in a few. Then we can head to Armadillo." Buck started the small fire and began to cook the squirrel. He divided up the meat evenly for them both. "It's not much, but it'll stop the hunger pangs." Buck said as the squirrel finished cooking.