Angus was suspicious, there were two Darknuts present and each had a completely opposing view, was it really possible that they were completely unfamiliar with each other? That they'd each traveled to the festival with no knowledge of the other? He thought that the Darknuts, like most fiends, operated with a hoard like mentality, all connected to each other. It was certainly not impossible to imagine the dark king having caught wind of the goddess' plans and sent two elites to dispatch the 'heroes' before they had a chance train and grow strong enough to defeat him. His hand shifted to hover over the handle of his hammer, he didn't know if he was just being paranoid but it was better than being unprepared. He decided to speak after the fairy had finished. "My name is Angus in case you were wondering, and Lethe is right, we can't dispute that we've all been chosen." He looked around at each of the faces. "All of us, we can't ignore the call of the goddess, we HAVE to act." He sighed. "Even the children. I doubt any of us would have been selected if we weren't capable, if the goddess didn't have faith in us." Lowering his hand away from the hammer, assuming that the Darknut would have acted already if he was planning something. "We cannot afford to waste any more time arguing and asking questions." He turned to face the fairy, a somewhat grim expression on his face. "I trust you have an idea of where we should start? After all, you're our guide right?"