Veitaru, having woken up from her quick catnap at Ekra's prodding, didn't pay much attention to anything that was being said. She tried to stay as still as possible, save for regular breathing to maintain the illusion of sleep. She thought to herself that the groups petty disagreements were ultimately unimportant and that her involvement would do nothing but add more meaningless noise. Also, she wished the creepy wood thing would leave her alone. She began fantasizing of one of the large ones falling over on Lethe and Ekra as bar brawl-esque battle broke out. And then exploding. Because reasons. "I trust you have an idea of where we should start? After all, you're our guide right?" Her ears perked up a bit as she heard this line, and she lazily peered up with her lower set eye that Ekra couldn't see given the angle of Veitaru's head, still feigning sleep to the untrained eye to identify the source. Finally, someone asked the right question. So, she stayed down, waiting for more response. And praying Ekra would get bored and leave.