Kyzan was rather taken aback by this new person. "Umm... No..." she replied. "NEW DNA SAMPLE DETECTED!" the device on her chest said. "Shut up..." she seethed to it, keeping her friendly smile. "SCANNING COMPLETED!" "Ultimatrix, go into silent mode..." she whispered as she turned away from them. "SCAN DETECTS RIP IN SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM!" "Good, can-it!" she whispered at it. "WARNING, FAULT DETECTED, CONNECTION TO CODON STREAM INTERUPTED, RESETTING TO FIX PROBLEM." "Don't you dare you piece of shit." "AZMUTH HAS PROGRAMMED THIS UNIT TO CONTINUE WHEN INSULTED." "Rat bastard..." she said as she was enveloped in a flash of green light and transformed back into her squid-girl form. She turned back to them. "Ok... I can explain this..." "RESET COMPLETE!" in a flash of light, she was human again. "This is... I... I do not have any explaination for this... Just... Don't scream..."