[hider=Myrn Atisha] [centre][b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/094EqZw.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Myrn Atisha [b]Race/Nationality:[/b] Dalish Elf [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Class:[/b] Arcane Warrior Mage [b]Personality:[/b] An adventurous and free-spirited individual. While Myrn is more than able to be determined and stick with a long-term plan, she always looks for small chances of freedom and enjoyment, wherever it may come from. Hardly serious about anything, partly out of simple apathy, but mostly because she's hesitate to create emotional bonds with anyone. To her, it's better to be forgotten than to be missed. The sadness that comes from it just isn't something she wants to deal with. Doesn't really have much faith in any gods or deities, preferring to rely on what works and what she can actually manipulate, be it magic or people. Quick to trust others and also quick to kill friends or innocence if she needs to. Dislikes alcohol and can't understand how people drink it for pleasure, though als because she's a total light weight when it comes to drinking. Loves meat however, as the Dalish often live off gathered greens and bread, with meat rationed due to over hunting in certain areas. [b]History:[/b] Myrn was born to be the First of her clan. One of the rare few elvish children born from a Keeper themselves, magic was in Myrn's blood before she even took her first breath. She never knew who her father was, as her mother, the Keeper, only mentioned that he had to leave the Clan. For what reasons Myrn never knew. Much of her earlier childhood was spent learning the history of the Elves, the magic of the Keepers, and generally being at her mother's side. As a child this wasn't unusual, but as Myrn grew older, she wanted to be away from her mother to spend time with others. The other children of the Dalish were quick to befriend her, but at the same time, seemed to be in fear of her. It was due to her own mother, the Keeper, and her strict policy with her daughter. She was smothering, almost painfully so. Soon as Atisha grew older, she saw less and less of her clan as her lesson with her mother grew more intricate and complex. As a teenager, Myrn made up any excuse to leave her mother just to be alone. To go hunting, to gather materials, explore a ruin for old Dalish artifacts. Half the time she stopped making excuses and just leave when her mother didn't notice. During the escapades she saw more of the Dalish and their problems. She saw how they dealt with humans, threatening them with death if they weren't simply killed outright for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She saw how the elves in the cities were treated, allowing themselves to live in squalor just to shake off the notion of being "barbarians and savages". Sufficient to say, Myrn did not like what she saw. And nothing she learned from her mother would have helped the tension; she was only concerned about preserving the past and did nothing to actually make a future for themselves. The Dalish, in Myrn's eyes, were more focused on surviving than they were living. When Myrn grew into a more adult age, Myrn told her mother that she would be leaving the clan the next time they attend the Arlathvhen. This infuriated Myrn's mother, but she wasn't going to budge. She knew very well that there was more candidates for being the new First, and Myrn made it clear that she was leaving for the good of the Dalish. The life of nomads, waiting for the world to give them what they want, was not something that Myrn had any interest in. She wants the Dalish to thrive and make a place for themselves in the world, and to do that they needed to take it for themselves. Somehow. How that was suppose to happen, Myrn left the clan to discover. [b]Weapons:[/b] Ironbark Catalyst - A unique swoord that looks to be made of metal, but in truth is actually made of the Ironbark Wood. Lighter and stronger than mundane steel, and carved in such a way that Myrn can use it as the focus for her spells. [b]Armour:[/b] Simple clothing made with some harden leather to provide some protection while not putting too much strain on her magical ability. [b]Skills:[/b] Picked up the ability of the Arcane Warrior during one of her explorations through a Dalish Ruin, and from it has learned how to handle a two-handed sword and fight in melee. Despite being a Dalish Elf however, she's hopeless with a bow. Spell wise Myrn knows a few spells such as Rock Armor, Stone Fist, Mind Blast, and Force Field. She's a competent herbalist and has enough survival skills to live off the land and detect the movements of most creatures [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t_tlK6IPL8]Song of Victory[/url][/b][/centre][/hider]