He laughed, a deep laugh, a glorious laugh that this little thing which he considered akin to a toy had stood up to him. Throwing back his head he gave out a great deep chested laugh before returning his attention fully upon Assallya. "Oh, I have trifled with wizards before I know you can grow to great power, world bending power in fact, but before that you are weak. There are so few great wizards out there precisely because of that fact, a mature wizard is a truly dangerous thing to all things which tread beneath his site. Before that though, before you can bind demons to your will, before you can turn a thousand men and women to dust with a wave of your hand they are weak," standing up Velaeris gave Assallya a menacing smile and began to stride towards her slowly, menacingly, "If you were so great a wizard that I need not fear you, I feel you would need not threaten me for you would not be here. If you are such a great and powerful wizard why have you not turned that wall behind you to glass wizardling? Why do I yet stand before you? Tell me wizardling, why you are within my reach." Towering over her Velaeris placed the palms of his hands on the wall above and to the either side of Assallya's head leaning forward slightly to make him seem even taller to her and to block the very light from shining on her to give her an idea of who he believed had the power here.