[b]The Beach Digsite[/b] The Unicorn Dopant was knocked aside by the Justice Kick. The Dopant looked towards Katsumi. "You bastard... Who are you!?" The Dopant demanded. He got his answer... Katsumi, huh? Thankfully this wasn't the Katsumi he heard about in his record books. The Dopant laughed. "Justice? Heh, that's a good one... But no thanks! We're getting paid good money to retrieve some items from this museum!" The Unicorn Dopant said. "You may be," Pegasus cracked her knuckles. "But I'm here for one thing: kicking ass!" Pegasus was about to attack, when suddenly she was attacked by several bolts of lightning. "Wh-what the!?" Pegasus looked and saw Todoroki. "What? Is that... No! It can't be! Why do they always interfere!" The Unicorn Dopant said. Its horn glowed purple and shot a blast towards Todoroki while Pegasus ran to Katsumi. --- [b]Shane's Space Ship[/b] Shane overlooked the battle going on. "Alright, recruits... Let's see what you can do!" He said, pressing some buttons. --- [b]With Yui near the restrooms[/b] "A-Awesome!" Nicholas said to Yui after she transformed into OOO. Everything startled him, from the Driver's pulsing sound to the chiming of the medals to a booming voice announcing the Medals to the aforementioned Medal that became Yui's chest. Nicholas pondered and began to do his own transformation for Yui. He got out a police license and pressed the silver button on top of it. Soon, tiny particles of light formed around Nicholas. The lights faded, revealing a set of armor for Nicholas. It was a silver suit with metallic blue pieces of armor. What made him stand out the most was the red 100 on his chest. His helmet came after. Metallic blue with long "ears". He turned to Yui. That's when he, Yui, and the other Zyguard members save for Katsumi got the coordinates of the Dopant and Phantom. "Alright, let's do this!" Nicholas said to Yui, posing for her. "SEIYAAAAAH!" Unfortunately for him, he doesn't notice the cracks. --- [b]Front of Museum[/b] One of the guardsmen ran towards the bottom of the stairs where Kyzan appeared, but didn't seem to find her thanks to her shapeshifting. Meanwhile, the tour guide responded to Asuka. "I can't say I have... Maybe she went into the museum?" She asked Asuka. Meanwhile, Kyzan's scans were able to report back to her... [i]something[/i]. It wasn't much, though, just a report of a high percentage of unusual seawater. --- [b]???[/b] To anyone who had touched the red cracks, they would feel something. Like a hand moving out of the crack. However, the hand didn't seem to come out of the crack. They didn't feel [i]ready[/i]. However, those who were close to the cracks could hear the sounds of what seemed like... fish? Or blubbering... It was hard to tell with all the rushing water.