I really miss Nine. He was my Doctor and still is and it breaks my heart to see him so forgotten about. I'm looking for someone to play Nine against Rose or an OC. In return, I can play Ten or Eleven (maybe Twelve if you really want) against an OC of yours or a canon (but not Clara or River, I hate them). In terms of writing level, I'd like casual to advanced writers only and people who communicate. I've had nearly every player drop out and act rather rudely. If you're bored or no longer interested, let's figure a new path out. Do not just say you're done and leave or worse, leave without even telling me. School is picking back up so I don't expect a daily post but at least every other day (3 ish posts a week) should be manageable right? If posts take too long to make though, writers will get bored and should this happen, I want us to try fixing the issue, rather than walking away. Let's motivate and inspire one another through chit chat, should posts take a while, we at least feel like we're in the loop and still having fun. Is there anyone out there who feels like they can be a fantastic goofy, charming, intense Doctor? I do have plots for Nine and Rose, should we use them. If you have ideas for pairs or plots, do let me know. I want this to be fun for us both. We should both bring things to the table, er TARDIS and have a long lasting story that echoes through time and space!