As Sister entered the room where Lampochki lay dying, she requested Nomad leave the room. He respected her wish and stepped out of the building. He took the time he had to pick off some ammo and supplies from the bandits he had killed just moments earlier. As the adrenaline from the gunfight wore off, the stinging on his arm went from stinging to a shooting pain. He looked back at it and decided he could treat it himself. It's not like flesh wounds needed anything more than a disinfectant and a bandage, right? Nomad took his backpack off and unzipped it, removing a bottle of vodka and a bandage. He poured some onto the bandage, pressed it onto his arm and secured it with medical tape before taking a swig of the vodka. His face scrunched up, revealing his distaste for the cheap shit. "This is what whiskey is for, but since hardly anyone imports it, I guess this will have to do," he said, taking a seat on the road. He took a look around, making sure no one else was nearby. As far as he could tell, he had just killed every human within 500 meters that wasn't female or guarding a female. He chuckled at the thought of that. "I think I now know every woman in The Zone," he said, taking another swig of the vodka for good measure. He pondered taking another shot and figured, "Why not." He began to lift the bottle back to his lips when Sister swiped it from him, puring a small amount on the ground. "Для Лампочки," she said. She handed back the bottle, now a quarter empty. He held it for a moment, then echoed the sentiment, raising the bottle slightly. "For Lampochky." He closed the bottle and stuffed it into his backpack, handing Sister a pair of spare mags for her AK. She took them wordlessly. Nomad had found enough ammo to double his previous magazine count, but he only took enough to regain the ammo he had spent, plus one magazine. It took another three hours to reach Freedom HQ in The Garbage, and it was then that the two figured out that they were both being asked to do the same job in Yantar. Nomad advised Sister against proceeding, saying it would likely be dangerous. After some convincing, he changed her mind and continued to Yantar alone. ---- The rest of Nomad's trip to Yantar was, to Nomad's fortune, uneventful, though he saw traces of evidence that it hadn't been so for others. He crested a hill at the top of the small basin that once was a lake, and in the bottom of that basin lie the scientists' bunker. He didn't see any sign of zombies for the meantime, but he knew they'd filter back in time. It was as though something here attracted them, but at least they weren't a big problem. Sometimes mutants would even tear through them because there's nothing else to eat. Just as Nomad began to stride towards the bunker, he saw someone leap from a balcony of a hotel some distance away. It was somewhat comical to watch, but Nomad brought his AK to bear as soon as he saw a boar jump off of the same balcony and start chasing the now limping man. "Shit!" he muttered, breaking into a sprint towards the man. He was too far to do any good from where he was, but if he moved quickly he could intercept the boar, or at least draw it's attention before this poor guy got mauled. After closing the distance to a range that his rifle could effectively reach, Nomad opened fire on the boar, managing to drop it before his magazine ran dry, but only just. He reloaded, storing the mag he had nearly spent in a side pocket before running to make sure the man was okay. "Oi! You alright? Ты порядке?" he called out.