[quote=Sturmgewehr] Hey SyrianHamster, is Abraham Ryes a rebel leader or someting? I'm asking because Mike is gonna meet the rebels in my next post. [/quote] [url=http://reddead.wikia.com/wiki/Abraham_Reyes]Abraham Reyes[/url] [url=http://reddead.wikia.com/wiki/Reyes%27_Rebels]Reyes' Rebels[/url] [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100730185626/reddeadredemption/images/5/51/Nuevo-Paraiso.jpg]Detailed map of Mexico area[/url] The rebels start mainly camped around Agave Viejo, which is where you'd likely find Reyes. [quote=czechmate46] Ah well that's ok. I actually think Red Dead is only available for systems like play station and x box anyway. I don't think they make it for PC. But thanks for making the effort to read about it before hand :) [/quote] Yeah the game is awesome, spent hours online doing Free Roam with my mate. We'd go around killing trolls/player killers like we were internet lawmen. They were simpler, gayer times.