Uhm... I can't really help you with that. Just remember that the purpose of putting up plots is to share with everyone what we want to do. If it's incomplete or you think it's lame, as for help. I'm sure everyone would be more than willing to help you out. And if anyone even so much as begins to berate anyone's ideas as being lame, bad, or other such foul language, I'll yell at them. Instead of saying something is lame, or badly thought out, offer help to make it better. Show them what they could do. It's a much better way than just being mean. Plus, I doubt anyone would be outright mean just to be mean. If you want to share your idea, that is completely up to you. I will not judge you or say bad things about it. I would only attempt to help. ...So ye. -steps off soap box- If anyone has anything to add to my little soap box, go ahead. I'm not the end all be all, nor am I the brightest among you. So ye. :3 -rolls around lazily-