[b]Currently:[/b] Looking for ONE new 1x1 [u][b]About Me[/b][/u] -Over 18 (I'm 20.) -Female -College Student -Average Literacy (Casual) -One Post Per Day -Heavy OOC [i]and[/i] IC [b]A few things to note.[/b] Over 18 doesn't mean I like smut. In fact, I generally avoid it. I like romance, don't get me wrong but... I just don't think I write smutty stories very well and I'm willing to admit that and avoid it altogether. So yes, even though I am over 18, I still fade to black and such. I am female. That doesn't mean I only play female roles. It does, however, mean that I am more comfortable playing a female role, but that doesn't mean I can't play a male one. I'm in college. My education comes before RPing. So If I don't get a post out to you, just hang in there. I'll get one to you the moment I can. I have a lot going on and a lot of friends that like to distract me with their lovely video games that I don't own. (Also just recently got some Wii U games... And my friends are doing a cool pokemon XY thing so I'm building a team up... >.>') I'm a pretty average writer. I make typo mistakes simply because I'm impatient and I type fast. So if I make a simple mistake like I say were instead of weren't, it just means I either had a brain fart or I was typing too fast and missed it. Most of the time I try to reread my posts and proof them but I am not a machine. I am human. I make plenty of mistakes. Now, one post per day is NOT by ANY MEANS, set in stone. As I said before about me being a college student, I might not always get a post out to you because of certain reasons, like having to go to a basketball game because I happen to be in the band and I get paid to play for people. (I play trumpet if you're curious.) Another factor to consider is that I might not always have the inspiration to make a post for that particular RP. I'll admit, I get kind of... withdrawn from RPs if they suddenly get kind of... boring or too bland for me. But, on that note, I will try to let you know when I'm just not feeling it and let you know whether or not to just wait around a bit to see if inspiration suddenly hits me like a frying pan or if we should just try a different RP, etc. I'm big on communication, so don't worry about that. On that note, I like to talk OOC and IC. If we start RPing and you don't talk with me about things, I'll get bored with the RP that much faster. If I know my partner is enthusiastic about the RP, that might positively affect me. So, just keep that in mind. I also like working together to create a story so... ye. [b]What I Expect[/b] -Average Literacy -One Post Per Day -Heavy OOC [i]and[/i] IC [b]A few things to note.[/b] I want my partner to be on the same relative level I am. That means my head needs to [i]not[/i] hurt when I try to read your post. A few mistakes here and there are okay. But when I see constant mistakes like capitalization, spelling, and grammar, I tend to get more irritated than I should and I WILL drop the RP. RPing is about having fun and [b]if I'm not having fun, I'm not going to continue.[/b] What I do, I ask the same of you. A post a day is pretty good. Even a post every other day. I check RPG pretty much once everyday, if not twice (or more... -looks away- -whistles innocently-) If you can't post for more than a few days, just let me know why. That's literally all I ask. I won't get butt hurt if you decide to drop the RP. I just don't want to be waiting around for you if the RP is going to be dropped. TALK TO ME. I can't ask for that enough. I enjoy talking to people. You'll find I do a lot of that. And, if you can't deal with someone who likes to say things she maybe shouldn't, maybe I'm not your partner. I have a pretty dirty mouth and my humor can be pretty dark and/or sexual. If you're not okay with that, don't RP with me. I am over 18. I talk about over 18 things. Doesn't mean I RP that way all the time. Just means I talk that way. It's my vocabulary. Sorry. * Quality over Quantity. I don't want you to have to feel the need to put in fluff in order to make your post bigger. If it's small but it gets stuff done, that's fine. I don't expect every post to be a novel. ** [hider= Example] of how I write and how I like to format my posts. [hider2=Post] [center][u][i] - Xanthus - [/u][/i][/center] He sat on the beach, watching the waves roll onto the beach, the moonlight shining brightly on the water. God, he felt like an old man. A lonely old man. He let out a long sigh and shook his head. What was he doing, sitting here feeling sorry for himself? He'd heard the announcement earlier but elected to ignore it for now. Though, now... he felt like he might have should have gone... But... She might be there and if she saw him... He'd ruin everything for her. Xanthus let out a frustrated groan and fell back on the sand. What was he supposed to do? He felt like he should just leave and let her be... let her move on like she seems to want to. But he didn't know how to move on. She was and had been everything to him. His entire reason for anything and everything. Maybe he should just take a chance on it. Just... start over with her. Be a friend and see where it went from there... With that decided, Xanthus made his way to the lounge. --- [center][u][i] - Maria and Brako - [/u][/i][/center] She took her cup of papers and went over to the large bed area to sit. She sat quite comfortably too, motioning for Brako to follow her with a sly look in her eyes. The old man who didn't look very old rolled his eyes but followed her, sitting close by her. He took this time to lay back and take a cat nap, resigned to his [b]fate[/b] at this point. Maria chuckled at him and then turned to look at the students that were still standing around post-meeting. A wide grin formed on her face as she shouted, [b]"If you're staying for the game, come have a seat. We'll be starting in a few minutes."[/b] --- [center][u][i] - Alex - [/u][/i][/center] He sat in his room, staring at the wall, no really sure what to do with himself. Where had Kathy gone? He hadn't been able to find her all afternoon. Maybe he was just bad at looking or maybe she didn't want to be found. He didn't know. He probably never would. Maybe he should just leave her alone... He didn't need another mother like that... He sighed and fell back against his bed, looking up at the ceiling now. Where was his roommate anyway? Derek? He didn't even know him... Although he guessed that was the point. He didn't know anyone here. He felt like a small fry among all of them, which he probably was. He was like a grain of sand, barely there. He stood up and shrunk down to his pixie size and let his wings grow out. With in a few seconds, he was at the lounge but the meeting was over. He noticed Kathy talking to Crash but elected not to go over there. He wanted to leave her alone. Though... what was she thinking right now? What would happen if he did? Alex shook his head and flew over to Maria when he heard her announce something about a game. What game? He flew over and sat down opposite the two adults and waited for something to happen. --- [center][u][i] - Xanthus, Maria, and Brako - [/u][/i][/center] He made it just in time to see the end of the meeting as Maria walked away and went over to a huge bed looking thing. He searched the crowd but didn't see high nor tail of Lily. He did see a flash of red but it wasn't her. He wanted to mingle but he almost didn't feel like it. People were always too tight nit in their own friend groups. It wasn't their fault it was just the way things were. He made his way over to where the principal sat and sat down next to her. [b]"Evening."[/b] He greeted her and then nodded at the young man next to her. [b]"Mind if I sit here?"[/b] [b]"Not at all, handsome."[/b] Maria returned, grinning from ear to ear. Brako simply groaned in reply, not moving. [b]"Is he tired?"[/b] Xanthus asked, a bit curious. [b]"Oh, that old man? Oh, he's just pouting. You can ignore him. Focus on me instead."[/b] Maria replied, winking at Xanthus. Xanthus laughed and shook his head. [b]"I'm afraid I'm not after that sort of thing."[/b] He spoke, his voice strong and firm. [b]"Oh, no one's ever [i]looking[/i] for it. But okay. I'll leave you alone. For now."[/b] She replied, teasingly. --- [center][u][i] - Lily - [/u][/i][/center] She chuckled at Carmen. She would have to get used to it. This was all new to her but she liked it. She liked it a lot. It was a lot better than living in that abandoned warehouse with everyone. Not exactly what she needed at the time but she'd survived. And now she was here... picking out clothes for her super diva roommate. She giggled at Carmen's speak of science. [b]"Well, they can just call us Fashion Scientists then. Make a real career out of it."[/b] She said, half jokingly. She watched Carmen pull out several dresses, sampling them and then placing them on the bed. [b] "I am at your disposal."[/b] She told Lily. Lily chuckled, [b]"You shouldn't have said that..."[/b] She said, laughing, as she stood up and looked over each dress. She picked up a few of them and handed them back to Carmen. [b]"Take these back..."[/b] She mumbled, focusing on her task at hand. She now had four dresses remaining. Red, tan, purple, and pink. Smiling, she picked up the red one and took it over to Carmen. [b]"Wear this one."[/b] She told her, smiling warmly, truly happy for once in a very long, long time. She was at ease with this person. There was no drama, and for once she could forget about everything that had happened to her. She felt like all was well with the world because what else existed besides what was going on right now, in this room. She didn't want it to end. It was kind of funny... She'd never felt this way with Xanthus. Sure she felt loved and protected but she didn't feel such ease like this. She felt like she was truly able to be herself, whatever that may be and that maybe this person could help her make more friends... As she waited for Carmen to begin changing, a thought occurred to her. [b]"Carmen... You know people around here... Do you think you could... help me make friends? I don't like being alone and I'm not very good at putting myself out there like I used to be. I mean, years ago, I would have already spoken to everyone and made friends with them but... I'm just not who I was 5 years ago... Think you could help me?"[/b] Lily asked, feeling weak for asking but she'd never get herself better if she didn't try.[/hider2] This is from my Academy RP, Athalia Academy. There are many other posts I've done if you want to look there. This is pretty standard for me. Not bad, not great. So ye. [/hider] --- [b]My Interests[/b] [u]Genres[/u] [hider=*] Fantasy (Modern) Adventure Slice of Life Romance Angels and Demons Comedy High School/College [/hider] [u]Genres I WON'T Do[/u] [hider=*] High Fantasy Scifi Apocalyptic (If you want this one, convince me.) Zombie Animals (It has to be humanoid for me to RP it.) Historical (Again, you'd have to convince me.) [/hider] [u]Fandoms[/u] [hider=*] [b]ALL OC.[/b] I don't do canon unless it's canon with a twist and depends on the fandom. The Legend of Zelda (Needs to have a GOOD story. Convince me.) Avatar The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra Supernatural (You'd have to convince me.) Doctor Who (Convince me.) Sherlock (Convince me.) [/hider] [u]Original Stories[/u] I'll put these here as they come to me. So, you're always welcome to come check back. I'll always post when there's an update. [hider=*] (All plots open to change and ideas.) [i][b]~Time Warp/The Dreamer~ ( I really like this one.)[/b][/i] Well... this is awkward. Hi. I'm [Character A] and I appear to be stuck in a world completely different to my own. I can tell it's in my past but it isn't quite the same. You see, magic exists in this world, well at least I think it does. Some how or another, I managed to find a portal of sorts to this world and now I have no idea how to get back! I stumbled across this old man who called me the 'Dreamer' and I'm not really sure what that means. For all I know, I could be dreaming right now. Though, I really just wish I could wake up. [Character A] would be played by me and would have the ability to enter the 'dream world.' Basically, she can traverse the dreams of other people. She was originally from the world she now entered and is a part of the 'master' race there. I say race, but it's more like a group of people that share common abilities and appearances. They call themselves the Light because they, unlike other people in the world, have strange abilities. The world is almost identical to our world, but technology is a bit behind. Wars still happen but nukes don't exist. Also, I kind of want it to take place in a place much like Egypt... >.>; [s][b]~Doll~[/b] It's said she can be seen throughout history. She takes many different shapes so it's hard to really identify her but she is mentioned in many texts throughout history and her name is Doll. They say she can grant you wishes, that she has powers beyond what you could imagine even in your wildest dreams. They also say she's extremely picky. She has only one rule, 'Do not break your promises.' You're character happens across an old broken doll amongst the wreckage of an abandoned house. When he/she picks it up, it comes to life and offers them something. A promise. "If you stay true to your promises, I'll stay true to mine!" She yells, a broken smile on her face. "If you so wish it, from now on, you shall be my master. However, if you break me, or let harm come to me, you will suffer. If I let you die, I will suffer." She explains. She uses her broken arm to lift her shirt, revealing several scars over her body. "You are not the first nor the last. So, will you take my offer?" She asks, holding out her hand.[/s] [s][b]~Knight In Shining Armor~[/b] (I really want to try this one.) [/s] [hider2=Image] [center] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/68/65/32/686532e8467057232cd5ee204e3ab962.jpg] [/center] [/hider2] [s] [b]"I swear to protect you even if it means sacrificing a part of me."[/b] Character A [Pictured above.] has spent her entire life training to be the protector of her childhood friend, Character B and has even gone so far as to undergo a false identity. Character B is in fact the up and coming master of a high class family, one that is protected with the utmost precision. Character A's parents gave Character B's their word that Character A would be used for the protection of Character B. What they didn't count on was their friendship that eventually led to something more. Though Character A has been hiding her real gender for years(Character B has only seen her as a girl once and it was when they were very small children. Since then she had led a life as a boy and Character B merely thinks the girl from his childhood has left.), Character B doesn't care and chooses to befriend and eventually love her regardless which makes Character A's life rather difficult to manage as she constantly fends off attacks from those who wish Character B harm while trying to still her fast beating heart.[/s] [b]~Goddess/God~[/b] You guessed. Gods are involved. We could talk this one out. Example Idea: Deity of Water gets into a scuffle with the Deity of Fire and well.. puts him out. They've never really gotten along but Compassion and Love see through the lies, they know what lays beneath the surface and that Water and Fire have feelings for one another that neither are willing to admit and it will take the help of Compassion and Love for them to be honest with themselves. The characters would live on Earth as humans and live among them, doing the work they were meant to do. [s][b]~Angel vs Demon~[/b] Angels and Demons. Pretty simple. Plot is negotiable. ;)[/s] [b]~Merpeople~[/b] Seems pretty cool... Lol. Example idea: [Character B] finds him/herself at the beach in the midst of a party. He/She is in truth a mermaid/man and has asked for the help of one of the mer-shamen's help to find true love. After searching under the sea for so long, they wonder what they would find above the water. Now, they find themselves in the middle of a human party, where he/she sees someone and everything clicks. At the party is a [beautiful/handsome] [woman/man], [Character A]. Only, when the night ends, [Character A] never sees [Character B] again. Feeling a bit depressed, [A] goes back a few weeks later to that same beach to remember the night they'd shared. Somehow, [A] finds him/herself being pulled into the ocean by... [B]?! [B] kisses [A] and a magical glow forms around them as [A] is turned into a mermaid/man. Glad to see [B], [A] still wants to return to his/her old body and tries to find a way to return. In truth, [A] has one month to try and convince [B] to stay with [B] or the spell reverses and [A] returns to the shore, a human. [hider2=Potential Characters] [center] Mermaid: Female [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/ec/b1/f4ecb1cac8130c5f05ddc94f7b335ca9.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/33/14/24331418f3303bc915567c8ddf4f1a56.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/27/c8/1f/27c81fbb9d8e335262ec5cfcca903486.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/66/6c/f8/666cf8e0e0335bb4b990eaaad66a21f9.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2f/46/e8/2f46e86723df5bf24081c4251d0b43f0.jpg] Male [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/59/ff/05/59ff05e91b59ae34f1bc1670dbbd3e4a.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/84/0d/0f/840d0ff48b9e091b0ed6560ed0808637.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d1/25/18/d12518d701868f669718628e1fa5d1f1.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/65/e2/fb65e258a1d0831c7e60b0473c44a676.jpg] Human: Female: [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/b2/8f/cf/b28fcfbc684526dc3157439ad31ee9f5.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/78/a2/8e/78a28ea3abeb8b7961a0900a65805939.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/03/43/46/034346dac6f4a275430d1b47816a6c52.jpg] Male: [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/b2/dc/3e/b2dc3ecbda9a8fe0587c37cdd242f88c.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/f2/fd/1bf2fd06800f79a56e4c74c02109fb6b.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a0/f4/30/a0f43035314cee7f491303c1cb7faa71.jpg] [/center] [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Cool Writing Prompts] [center] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6b/90/c2/6b90c253d96afb09fb9512b2ca0f89ec.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/14/e0/22/14e022a2768835277fff695a0396b167.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c9/64/fd/c964fd0e23a49e2e2b511a8adb2f38f5.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/72/0f/81720f7cbc5e4fd8ebc8e3a37f945d00.jpg] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/43/a3/b4/43a3b430a7c30fb70a8c9e00d66006b7.jpg] Pick a Numer One Through One Hundred. (Or pick one you feel inspired by. Lol.)(Or roll a 100-sided die...) [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b8/d7/c9/b8d7c984128b7a6d7f8459d2ec9e4c9a.jpg] [/center] I'd be willing to make something out of these. :P [/hider] --- I will update this as ideas come. So keep checking if you don't see something you like.