A smirk slowly so spread across Rockets face. "Big guns? I can do that." It would be nice to use a weapon after having to restrain himself with the now unconscious reporter. "I am Groot." "You're with me, where else would you go? You think I can carry all those guns by myself?" Groot responded with an agitated stare, obviously in response to Rockets sarcasm but Rocket ignored it. He smirked, glancing at Gamora and Drax. "Any weapons you guys want, just in case?" He knew they preferred the personal touch of a melee weapon, but sometimes it was nice to have something to back you up in case things went bad. Some might say it was overcompensation, but Rocket believed the bigger the gun the better. Groot waited for a moment before turning to walk away. Sometimes Rocket wondered about why Groot stayed with him. It wasn't because of his great personality, and Groot definitely wasn't defenseless. Maybe Groot was just afraid of being alone... Maybe they both were. The sound of his wooden friend snapped him out of his deep thought. Rocket smirked, quickly catching up to Groot. He turned back and yelled, "Meet ya there!"