[u][b][center]Mujer Salvaje[/center][/b][/u] [center][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110301182207/reddeadredemption/images/thumb/1/17/Rdr_el_presidio00.jpg/500px-Rdr_el_presidio00.jpg][/center] [i][center]El Presido, 21st Infantry Company’s base of operations.[/center][/i] "Put that iron down, sergeant, do you think it is okay to harm a woman in such a manner?" Roared Evarado, shoving Manuel forcefully against the wall. He turned sharply, and smiled warmly at the the terrified woman, as two burly soldiers held her arms with tight grips. "Forgive me Señorita, my men are good souls, but the harsh ways of war clouds their manners." "Please let me go," she sobbed. "I don't know anything about the rebels, I was travelling with them for safety." "Perhaps," said Evarado thoughtfully. "Though surely the glorious Mexican Army is protection enough on the roads?" The woman scoffed, "if they were, I wouldn't walk around without a dozen men protecting me. And even then it's touch and go as to whether they'll rape and murder me." Evarado's smile grew wider, he liked this woman, enough to give her [i]the test[/i]. "I believe you, Señorita, and I beg your forgiveness. Release her." The two soldiers holding the woman relented their grip, and she shrugged them off. There were thick red finger marks on her arms from where they had held her, and she winced as she rubbed them . "You are free," said Evarado, though he shook his head. "Unfortunately, I do not have men enough to spare to escort you into town." "Sounds about right," she sniffed. "I'll find my own way." "Indeed, but here, take this," he said, drawing Manuel's revolver from the man's gun belt. The sergeant looked quizzically at the capitan, but was paid no heed. In a heartbeat, the woman had lunged forwards, her face contorted in rage, and she snatched the weapon. Before any of Evarado's soldiers, or the sergeant, could react, she had the weapon held at his head. She grinned briefly, then pulled the trigger. Nothing but the click of an empty chamber rewarded her efforts. "Oh, Señorita, how you break my heart," said Evarado, frowning at her. "I had you marked as a [i]good[/i] Mexican woman, honest and dignified. Yet, you are nothing but a rat rutting whore." The soldiers quickly apprehended her, punching her in the face and stomach over and over until Evarado finally told them to stop. She sobbed through swollen cheeks, and a sliver of blood fell from her mouth. Her eyes had become enlarged, heavily bruised, and now she had a permanent squint. "If you're standards are so low as to rut with rats, then you'll enjoy rutting with wolves," sneered the capitan. "Give her to the men, let them do as they wish." "Yes sir!" Said one of the soldiers, smirking. They hauled the whimpering, screeching woman away, and Evarado sighed bitterly. "T'is a shame," he said, looking at Manuel. "But the show must go on. Next prisoner!"