Epicoron did not flinch, he did not get angry. He simply said "And you wonder why they call us monsters. I'm a disgrace to our people? Maybe. But at least I know the difference between honor and outright ignorance. I am Captain Epicoron of the DarkNut Legion. You'd be wise to respect that fact. Apparently a disgrace did more for our people than you did. Chew on that one, if your ego doesn't cause you to choke first." He walks away a bit, then turns around "The fact you're so ready to insult another member of your race for having a different opinion speaks more than you could ever muster in words or insults. Go ahead and be proud of a choice that caused thousands of our kin to die. I however, can read between the lines. The darknuts have been seen as monsters for too long my friend. We won't stop them from being seen this way by going about talking about other races like they are inferior or cowardly. Yes, they are not as large, or as strong in military, or even as honorable. But they are another living thing and we must give respect to gain it. Also I do apologize for the large amount of speech. Most of the time soldiers aren't allowed to throw their opinions around like this." He glares at Maryev "It tends to get people killed."