[center][img=http://movie-knight.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Fantastic-Four-Logo-Wide-560x282.jpg] [b]Future Foundation HQ, New York City[/b][/center] The two individuals, both nicely dressed, sat at the large black table, various sheets of paper with colorful designs on them laid scattered on the table. Sitting at one end of the table was a young man, casually taking his time as he pulled a few pieces aside. "So we're in agreeance on what we're going with right?" He asked as he held up the designs of black and white spandex looking uniforms. “Makes the foundation the center of attention, it’s good if you really think this will get our project it’s funding again.” Susan Storm stated as she crossed her arms. The blonde-haired girl would be the first to admit that Reed’s proposal sounded like he was barking up the biggest crazy tree in the entire forest; how would being public superheroes affect their funding? Wouldn’t it just make the company liable for damages they would be blamed for? Wouldn’t they risk incarceration by the government for such vigilantism? But her brother thought it was ‘fun and exciting’, Reed was in a nostalgic fit, and Ben had other things on his mind to care about the consequences of their actions. It was like she was the only one thinking straight. "So.... yes to this design?" Reed asked slightly puzzled, continuing to hold up the costume designs confused. Finally he awkwardly lowered them back onto the table. "Well we don't have many other options Sue. I mean funding is low because of the uh... unfortunate events. I don't know if this'll work at all, but I mean short of having a bake sale I'm not sure what else could really work." Reed said, trying to lighten things up a bit with his usual awkward lookin grin. “What about Stark Industries? Don’t they sort of work with science firms? I mean I highly doubt donations are going to come in the door from us being public ‘superheroes’.” "Thats just it though, Stark is already working with us. The problem here is we lost a LOT from that experiment." Reed stated a bit forelorn. Truthfully outside of getting to practice with his newfound powers, and the various training excercises they had done as a group. Reed was feeling a lot of pressure being put on him and Future Foundation. Sue, as much as he liked her, wasn't really helping either with all of the doubt. "My thinking is by being pubically known superheroes, we can bring on a very strong public attention to the group. Find more sponsorship for the company itself. Possibly if the superhero thing takes off find revenue from that too. Sue I know this all seems a bit crazy but I'm trying to come up with something from basically nothing here." Reed stood up from his spot at the table. Strolling over and almost without realizing it, had an elastically long slender hand of his placed on her shoulder. "Can you at least please just give me the benefit of a doubt here?" Sue looked down at the table, “What will we do if it doesn’t work? What will we do if the government gets on our backs?” Reed paused, his own head down, deep in thought before he sighed. Grabbing a nearby chair and scooting it over. "Look, right now I don't care about any of that. I can declare bankruptcy if nothing else, I can handle the Government being on me. Its..." Reed grimaced, trying to figure out the right way to put it. "Its all those kids here I'm most worried about. The idea I have to tell them that I can't do anything for them after all the promises I made them. Having to send them back out to a world that would much rather care about some... hoity toity bimbos in reality shows then great young minds that can change the world..." "It's not even them, I'm worried about each of you. I mean... I put each and every one of you into this. Maybe I'm being delusional but I feel like I need to make sure you guys are taken care of somehow. Be it... this or even just making sure the Government is off your butts. I..." Finally Reed couldn't figure out what else to say. He shrugged, sighing as he placed his hands down onto his lap and rested back into the chair. "I mean what I'm saying makes sense right?" Sue’s eyes moved to Reed with a frown, she knew he was struggling and he wanted to do so much—it was hard to find someone so scientific and so idealistic, most of their colleagues were like her and rather pragmatic in their approach; other scientists would of closed the Future Foundation by now in defeat. “Reed…” Sue paused. “I’m not giving up; I just don’t know what to do with this. If you want to try this Fantastic Four sub-project… then I’ll give it a try, okay?” The titular 'Invisible Woman' added sympathetically. Reed chuckled very awkwardly, adjusting his glasses as he glanced back up at Sue. "Well, I mean its not like I have a book on how to do this sort of thing." Reed tried to joke with a shrug. He tapped on the table as the silence in the room became even more bearing. "I mean we'll make this work. I know we can." Finally Reed took a breath. Glancing around a bit before going to some of the other costume designs they had gotten. One in particular caught his attention as he reached over to get it. "Huh... this design for you is... uh... 'interesting'..." “Huh?” Sue blinked as she pushed herself out of her chair and went over behind Reed’s shoulders to get a look at what he found so interesting. “REED!” "WHAT I DIDN'T MAKE IT!" Reed quickly snapped back before fumbling with the paper to make sure his death wasn't coming today. "It was designed... uh..." He awkwardly handed the paper to Sue. "I think that's Johnny's signature." “I'm going to kill him.” "Sue! ...Can you let me go get my smart phone first so I can record it?"