Noelle let out a light sigh as Sharee spoke about her plan. It certainly did seem risky, but on the bright side, should the plan fail early at least they wouldn't loose anyone aside from this runaway slave and maybe a crate of skooma. Now where they were suppose to get a crate of skooma was Noelle's question. "If... The runaway doesn't get killed, where are we suppose to get a crate of skooma? I suppose we could always steal one from a den, use that to bait the slavers and take the ship for ourselves. I'm sure that if we send some people out to get more information, we might even be able to find word of a bandit camp outside of the city. Surely they would have a nice supply of skooma for us to take. Alternatively, if we could get our hands on moon sugar, I could try to refine it into skooma instead. Moon Sugar isn't illegal here and we'd just need to find a place that produces it, which should be easier than finding Skooma." Noelle told Sharee of her thoughts before suggesting her plan. "I think you idea is good, captain, we just need the skooma now. We could either try to take some from the low lives near the city or make some ourselves. Once we have enough we can hand it off to the runaway and he his part of the mission. And after we liberate the slave ship of it's former crew we could... Take on the Miriam?" Noelle was still unsure if Sharee had any intentions of going after the Miriam, or if the slaves were the new objective now.