It was already nine when Hayley arrived on campus. The street lanterns were lit, lighting up the pebbled path towards the dormitories and other class buildings. It had been one hack of a journey getting here, but after a long phone call telling her mother she'd be alright on her own, she finally got here. The grinding sound of her suitcase on the tiny little rocks made a huge noise at this hour, so Hayley decided to pick it up from the ground. "Ugh that thing is heavy.." She mumbled as she tried to look out for building 109. That was where her dorm was ought to be, if she believed the paper the girl at the infobar gave her. Finally entering her building, she was wrong picking up her back from the ground: there were busy students everywhere! Unpacking their suitcase, getting to know their roommate whilst having the door wide open, guys already hitting on the girls, you name it. Some rooms even had music playing in them, and now and then you'd catch a glimpse of a dancing girl or boy, doing their thing. It was quite obvious the university put all dancing majors together in building 109, and Hayley was digging it. She could use some new moves, now that she thought about it. "3C, this is it." The hall Hayley arrived in was packed with students. It seemed like she wouldn't get much sleep her first night here. But that did not matter, as tomorrow was the start of introduction week, and that only started at 10AM. Knock knock. "Hello? My name is Hayley." Dorm room 232, her new home.