"Well, it looks like we have options." Sharee said, letting go of the bannister and turning around to face the others. "We need a crate of skooma, and we need it before that slave ship leaves the harbor. According to Kahl here, that ship should have enough skooma on it to give us a nice profit. Maybe not as much as the Miriam, enough. Depending on how often the Miriam makes this run, and how quickly we can get this ship outfitted once we get the funds from this job, we might be able to hit the Miriam later, but for now, let's focus on the slave ship. Taking on bandits for any skooma they might have would, obviously, require some fighting. Plus, we need to find them, though at least this option get's us the least confrontation with local authorities. Serge, I want you to have a few men ask around town about any outlaws in the area. Have them pose as bounty hunters or something. Another choice, as Noelle suggested, is to just make it ourselves. Since we don't have any coin to buy it, we would have to steal the moon sugar. I think it is pretty close to harvest time, so we might be able to take it straight out of the fields. However, that sugar is this islands lifeline. You can bet they keep their fields guarded. If we want to go down that path, we will need to evade or take down some guards. Sarel, I'd like you to scope out the fields to make sure the canes are mature enough that we could get some sugar out of them, and to see which ones are the least guarded. Another choice could be to intercept a crate bound for the Miriam. It might be the most risky strategy, but it would take the least work. It would be essential that we stay undetected on that, 'cause the Miriam certainly has some friends in the port authority that could make our lives difficult. Not to mention the fact that we will need to time the theft well. We would want to take it shortly before the slave ship plans to leave, to make sure the Miriam's crew doesn't have any time to investigate. Noelle, I want you to keep tabs on the Miriam and see if you can identify when they are expecting to haul in any more crates of skooma." Given that they now had a solid course of action, Sharee could count their first day on the island as a success, but there was one more thing that needed to be dealt with before they could all retire for the night. "Now, before I dismiss you all, there is one last piece of business we need to address. Noelle, if you would be so kind as to wait under the mainsail, we can get your punishment over with. I will be right back in a moment." Sharee grabbed one of the ship's sailors by the shoulder as he passed them by. "You, I want you to get the word around that everyone should get above decks immediately. And yes, I mean everyone. Now go!" She ordered. The surprised sailor responded with a simple "Yes, Captain." and proceeded below deck to start on his new task. Meanwhile, Sharee returned to her cabin so she could collect her whip.