"Do you two always end up doing jobs like this?" The yet unnamed customer asked Aria as she grabbed her rope and threw it over her shoulder. "You don't even look old enough to hold a sword, I mean. Isn't this kind of thing a little dangerous with just two people?" Aria shrugged as she began to leave, followed closely by the young Nordic fellow. On the way past the deceased largest cultist's body, she effortlessly kicked up his steel sword, catching it by it's blade to offer it to the client. "Dangerous? Buddy, when we say 'odd' jobs, we don't just mean we do spare work that's just lying around. We mean 'odd jobs' quite literally, too! Complications are fun..." the redhead smirked. The man seemed to still be coming to terms with just how easily two people saved him from certain death. His pursuers bled over the streets now, save for that one prisoner. Quickly and calmly, the two made their way to the stables to find Cronic waiting with a carriage. To get to the border, to Bruma, should be an easy trip... But then you had to throw these cultists into the equation, and perhaps any Thalmor 'helping' to patrol the borders of the Empire's territories. "Time we set off... Again, I can't believe you two are really going through with this!" The client chuckled as he climbed into the back of the open carriage. He offered a hand to Aria, but she made one quick hop up to her seat instead. The hand was then offered to Cronic instead. "Ya' already gave us every septim you had, might as well see it through - we're people of our word. Besides, this is easily the sixth most dangerous thing we've ever done. Just relax and enjoy the trip..." Aria said.