[b]Green Cap Radio-The Machine[/b] [i]They cannot do nothing more but slow the advancement of our dreams and hopes, brothers. To those who lost their relatives, friends, loved ones, luminaries, and so on, we mourn with you. We empathize with you. But do not fret, for they are martyrs. When an imperial smacks you down, stand back up. Protest the tyranny, protest the Washington Regime. It is not in vain, brothers. When we walk on the streets, together, as one, we announce to the world that our hopes will not be squashed by the force and oppression that is handed to us by the ones that 'value our freedom'. And no more can we let it all happen, soak it all it. We have a chance here, a chance to give back to those that died trying to rebuild the destroyed continent; this dilapidated country and government. We have a chance to create a better society, so that we may all walk out one day and see the same educational standards for all our children, the health care that we all receive, the quality of it all, and knowing that we all are equal, we all have a voice. This is no communist manifesto we read to you, we read to you the ideals that balance the socialist and the capitalist. The mix. We want to set things right on this continent, this dark time, this...this...reign of terror...it won't impede us. It can't..[/i] [b]Sandy Shores[/b] "Commander Yuuki" said Balsamo as she rushed into the room. "People are going haywire everywhere, shit's hit the fan faster than expected." A subordinate to her side set down an old radio on the pine table to the women's side. When he flipped it on, the words of The Machine tuned out any other conversation in the room. People stared, curious. "We need to hurry. California is seeing the brute force of things as we speak. The northern hills of California can't hide our regiments there forever, and if we don't capture Seattle and Portland soon, we'll have our whole reputation at stake." [b] A letter, in the midst of relay to the Commonwealth regiments in Florida (currently inside Arizona, in hopes the Sons of Liberty would pass on the letter) [/b] Dear, Commonwealth Thank you Sincerely, Mike