Ryuko dropped the man when Hymn opened the door. She caught her breath and looked down at the man with an aggravated huff. "Asshole..." she spat before she looked over to Hymn. "What's going on?" she asked. With the little light they got from the open door, she gathered up all of the rope they'd been tied up with. She tied them off before looking around for any piping or loose bars. "Shoulda looked for that before..." she grunted to herself. "Anyone see any bars or something?" She looked up, the melody only now reaching her ears. She looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of the monstrous thing. "That's...not good..." 'HOW IN THE HELL DID HYMN LET THAT THING GET THAT CLOSE WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING?!' she screamed in her head. She shook her head, she'd have to address that...later.