In the downtown area, closer to the South Brook sector, a new [url=]"supplemental public safety device"[/url] had been installed. These are very common in North Brook, and some of downtown, because people gradually came to accept them as being necessary to assist in public safety and to help deter crime. They're rare once you start getting closer to South Brook, even in the downtown sector. A member of a resistance faction was kneeling at the base of the large pole, having pried open a panel he casually inspected the wiring and circuitry of the device not knowing that behind him, silently hovering in the air was an ASF Mak II drone. Hearing some people down the block arguing, the man looked towards them and that's when he noticed the drone. With the sound of a click, the front of the wings that were adorned with LEDs, and they began alternating between blue and red. "You are in violation of code 157.23c, tampering with city property. A unit has been dispatched to these coordinates, for your safety please remain where you are. This unit is authorized to use force should you not comply." the flat tone of the drone dispatching the instructions, as it slowly hovered up and down. So, what was this resistance member going to do?