You have my interest. Never seen a super-hero roleplay where the creator of a character doesn't have limitless opportunities, and I like that. Name: Jeremy Shields Age: 32 Gender: Male Profession: Plays his instrument in subways and on streets in hopes people spare some change. Social Network Status: N/A Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Upbringing and History: Jeremy Shields was born to a very wealthy set of parents, Horus and Monica Shields. Horus was the owner of a law firm, and Monica an owner of a high class restaurant in the city. As such, Jeremy lived a very comfortable life and never wanted for anything. Growing up he went to high class private schools and had personal tutors given to him, which resulted in him getting top grades in all of his classes; But those were just numbers to him. His real passion was music and his instruments. He played for museums, high class parties, and even for the local schools. After he finished his schooling, he joined a professional orchestra and made a good living off of the income. However, the more Jeremy played the more arrogant he became. He bad mouthed his conductor, his fellow musicians, and even his own parents. He ignored any and all criticism given to him, and a few times threw punches at some of the critics. Word spread like wildfire when he was kicked out of the orchestra he had loved so dearly. He tried to join other groups, but none would have him. With a curse under his breath, he tried his parents to no avail. They wanted nothing to do with such a spiteful and vain being. Jeremy was left with nothing that night, and soon found himself living on the streets after he could not afford his apartment rent. Most would think that he would have become humbled by the experience, but they would have been wrong. If anything, it made Jeremy all the worse. He learned very quickly that in order to scrape by in his new world, he would have to act cordial and pretend to be modest. All the while, as he pinched every penny and painted himself a ducky face, he schemed against those that cast him out. Power: Sound Manipulation (It was a hard choice between this and option 1 for me, but going to have to go with this.) Aaaand done. It's been a long time since I rp'd on forums, so excuse me if it is at all jumbled and confusing.