Beyond the wooden door was nothing but an empty room, much to her disappointment. The room was similar to the one that she was once locked in but also not. Mairu dejectedly exited the room and followed the hallway of false hopes back to where she had taken the wrong turn in the fork. She would turn right this time. While she was walking back to the fork, the building started talking, calling out random names like Chi-chan and Ryuko (who had a cute mom with makeup or something like that), but Mairu hardly paid attention to its ramblings. What got her attention instead was the sudden realization that she and the humming lady weren't the only ones in the hallway after all. She thought the sounds she heard earlier were just the voices in her head again, but it turned out that they were actually real, really actual, this time. First time for everything, she supposed. Mairu only figured this out as strangers (definitely not the friends she was looking for) harshly pushed past her, running away as a violin played somewhere in the distance to hide in the first room they encountered. For a moment, Mairu stayed rooted on the spot, listening intently. Aw, that was mean of those people. She thought the violin sounded pretty good, although she did like the humming lady's tune a smidge more. But either way, they didn't have to run away from it! To make up for the meanness of the other people, she decided to move toward the music instead, waltzing across the hallway until she finally found the origin. He was at the other end of the hallway, standing tall with his back turned against her. What a strange-looking man, the violinist. It was hard to properly see him in the darkness (thanks to her, in case you've forgotten~), but she could just make out the shape of a violin in his right arm. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but it almost seemed like he was talking to— Ah! It's her friends! Mairu hopped up and down excitedly as she noticed the small group that gathered at the opposite end of the hall, flailing her arms to get their attention. She didn't want to interrupt what looked like a make-out session between the violinist and one of her friends, but she really needed to meet with them.