[center] [img]http://wallpoper.com/images/00/42/09/56/outer-space_00420956.jpg[/img] [i]“The Universe, so far as we can observe it, is a wonderful and immense engine; its extent, its order, its beauty, its cruelty, makes it alike impressive.” [/i] [/center] [center][b]STILL ACCEPTING CHARACTER AND SPECIES SHEETS[/b][/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc]Characters and Species Sheets[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55633/posts/ooc]Interest Check[/url] [u]Timeline: [/u] 2031 - The first humans walks on Mars, global interest in space is renewed. 2041 - Mars is colonized. 2046 - The Moon is colonized. 2047 - The first humans walk on Mercury. 2054 - Mercury is colonized. Terraformation is unveiled and put to use on Mars most notably. 2060 - The first humans walk on Jupiter's moons, Io and Callisto. 2067 - The first humans walk on Neptune's moon, Triton. As well as Jupiter's moons, Ganymede and Europa. 2071 - Europa is colonized. 2076 - Callisto is colonized. 2081 - Io and Ganymede are colonized. 2086 - Triton is colonized. 2088 - Advanced cybernetic augmentation is revealed to the public. Mechanical limbs which sync perfectly with nerves. These cybernetic attachments are given to people such as paraplegics, which allows them to walk, and amputees, which allows them to regain limbs they had lost. Wealthier people buy advanced cybernetics to replace working ones in order to gain advantage over the normal man. 2093 - Mechanical powered exosuits are developed and put to use. Miners, firemen and the military are the heaviest users of these, making their jobs easier and saving lives in the process. 2100 - All colonies report positive progress. 2116 - The first truly advanced A.I. is created. 2119 - Advanced robots and droids are revealed, and shortly after are put into public use. The most common usage of these robots is as medical assistants, mining assistants, personal aids and security. 2155 - Prototype FTL technology is developed. It is a huge step in the right direction and is immediately put under heavy testing. 2162 - More streamlined, advanced spaceships are created with the ultimate goal of traveling outside of our solar system. 2175 - The S.S. Rome becomes the first human piloted spaceship to travel out of the solar system and to another. The day is celebrated across the colonies. It safely returns to Earth several months later. 2183 - More ships are commissioned and exit humanity's home system (Sol system). The first human colony outside of the Sol system is founded, the name, "Alpha Genesis". Volunteers are shipped to the planet. It is a small, barren planet that is terraformed into ones that millions can one day live on. 2196 - A second colony outside of the Sol system is established, named "Terra Eden", a medium sized moon covered in ice and snow. Earth's nations unite to form the E.S.C. (Earth Systems Confederation). 2199 - Alien life is discovered on Terra Eden, deep inside a cave. A small insect which originated on the planet. Humans finally confirm that they are not alone in the universe. 2209 - Humans travel to another system and colonize two more planets. 2221 - Humanity encounters its first sentient alien species, the humanoid Vaxir, an advanced race similar to humans in appearance. Trade routes and peace is established. 2228 - Three more human colonies are founded by this year, humans and Vaxir encounter the Rahq, a mysterious race which seems to be just observing the other two. It is revealed that the Vaxir has previous conflict with the Rahq. 2229 - The Rahq attack a human colony, the E.S.C. retaliates. The conflict that begins is known as the Rahq War, the human and Rahq are evenly matched military wise. 2232 - The Rahq Wars ended with a mutual, but fragile peace agreement. Both sides take loses, humans taking slightly more. 2245 - Present day. The Rahq emerge once more, this time aided by another mysterious race simply referred to as the Prime. The alliance of the two races is known as the Rahq Collective. The Collective attacks multiple colonies, reigniting tensions, the galaxy seems to be heading towards war once more. Later that year the S.S. Durendal is commissioned, she is captained by Jon Welch. [u]Backstory: [/u] It has been thirteen years since the Rahq war ended with a shaky peace treaty. The war for the most part was equal, as both sides took a large amount of losses. In those thirteen years, the Rahq have been quiet, until three weeks ago when they launched a surprise attack on the human colony of Vesta II, obliterating all human forces stationed planetside, as well as ravaging the surface and taking any resources. The attack was not for the colony itself, if anything it was an act of war, of revenge, the Rahq still were bitter about their previous war with humanity. The humans prepared a counter attack, but while they were in the midst of it, the Rahq struck another human colony, New Titan, but the planetary defenses were prepared and they did not lose control of the colony, but still took high causalities. Those stationed on the planet who survived the attack reported the Rahq infantry being accompanied by another type of enemy, a mysterious enemy armed with high powered firearms and heavy armor. No corpses were recovered of this enemy, as the bodies disappeared once they died. This new enemy was named the "Prime". Humans beefed up their defensive measures in preparation for another war. The Rahq Collective then struck a Vaxir colony, causing massive damage. The humans aligned with the Vaxir in order to fight the Rahq Collective, in secret they formulated a plan. One single ship would be commissioned, an extremely advanced ship capable of slipping into Rahq territory in order to discover the source of the Prime along with the Rahq's aggression. The Rahq had ignored all messages of negotiation, their hearts seemingly set on war. The humans and Vaxiur battened down all of their defenses, preparing to hold the line, holding off launching a counter attack. They wanted to avoid entering a full scale war as long as possible. Jon Welch, the captain of the newly christened ship began searching for any suitable candidates to join his crew. Unlike the previous war, non humans were considered. Anyone who could give them an advantage and was committed to ending the second Rahq war before it began was considered. [u]Technology:[/u] FTL Technology - The method which humans and other species use tp travel through the stars, FTL technology was developed by humanity in 2155, though it was not put to use until 2175. It uses faster than light (FTL) technology to jump to other star systems by going through an alternate dimension known as "hyperspace". A course must be plotted carefully to avoid the ship coming out of the jump into a collision course with another ship, a black hole or the middle of battle. Many hyperspace routes have already been established. When a jump is initiated, the ship enters hyperspace, then will emerge at its destination after a period of time depending on the distance traveled. Cybernetics (augmentations) - Human augmentation is commonplace in today's society, it has opened up a new era for mankind, possibilities never imagined before have been achieved. There is still a fear among humanity that some will go overboard with augmentations and try to become full machines. There have been no cases of this, but the wealthier people have been known to replace working body parts with superior cybernetic parts. A special type of cybernetic chip can be installed into humans which allow them to gain mental powers. This chip is rare among the public, but some of the wealthier have it as well as some military personal. The powers these chips provide are telekinesis, creation of force fields and even levitation. The implants that allow levitation are much more expensive and hard to come by, but they exist. The strength of these powers increase the longer a person has the implant in their system. Terraformation - A tactic often used to make planets more habitable for life to live on. Mars, for example was terraformed thirteen years after is was colonized, which immediately increased the population of the colony. Several other human colonies were terraformed before they were colonized, as it is rare to find a naturally habitable planet. Some protesters have claimed that terraforming is morally wrong as it is changing what nature had intended, the counterpoint to this is that only barren planets are terraformed. Armor (Normal and power) - Personal armor is common among those traveling through the stars, it is standard issue for military personal and a must for anybody who has a job that requires them to get shot at. Personal armors come in either the light or standard classes, the design and patterns depending on the wearer, but they are all universally made of high strength metals such as titanium. Power armor is a whole different type. It is much less common than the weaker kinds, but still can be seen worn by some soldiers, mercenaries and bounty hunters. It was a revelation for warfare when it was perfected, changing the way soldiers fought. Not any soldier can wear power armor, it has to be custom fit to its wearer and is so heavy that it require micro motors powered by an engine in order to allow the wearer to move, but the protection it offers is top of the line. A different kind is worn by miners on some planets. Energy shields - In other words, a deflector shield. Energy shields are commonplace among soldiers and are included with most armors. These types of shields help protect the wearer from explosions, bullets, various energy blasts and some environmental hazards such as falls. A different wearable kind is used by miners working in hazardous conditions. Energy shields do not last forever, if they take enough punishment they will temporarily fail, exposing the wearer to more damage. Depending on the shield, it either needs to recharge over time or through an exterior power source. Weaponry - Weapons advanced with everything else as technology progressed. There are different types of weapons which are commonplace in the galaxy. Explosives, such as grenades, rocket launchers and landmines are popular. You will still find people carrying melee weapons such as pocket knives and heated energy swords. The types of projectile weapons are as follow, they descend in commonality in the galaxy: [hider=Projectile weapon types] Cartridge - The humans made these popular, bullets haven't changed that much over the ages, just the more powerful ones that can pierce armor and damage shields are preferred. The other alien species began using these type of firearms as they are cheaper, despite being considered more "crude" by some. Energy - Bolts of superheated pure energy, simply referred to as energy weaponry. They are efficient at going through materials such as walls and armor. Ammunition is provided through energy cells, which have to be recharged or energy packs which must be swapped in and out. Laser - These are the weapons you will see on all ships and it is for a good reason, they are very powerful. While personal laser weapons are uncommon, they can be found if you look in the right places. Firing beams of laser, the poor target gets fried. Ion - The weapon type you want if you're facing machine opponents, the weaker synthetics will get destroyed, the stronger types will get stunned. The only drawback is that they are useless against organic foes, it's like shooting them with air. If you're getting chased by assassin droids, you want to find an ion weapon. Plasma - Painful is one word for this type, the rarest of them all, but very effective at causing your enemy painful wounds and death, plasma weapons literally burn through armor, shields, walls, skin and bones. They aren't very commonplace, nor that accurate, but if you hit the target it will hurt them. [/hider] [u]The S.S. Durendal:[/u] [img]http://tf3dm.com/imgd/l38038-federation-interceptor-battle-cruiser-18735.jpg[/img] The S.S. Durendal is an advanced human warship, the first of her kind. She is the result of pure, top of the line human engineering. Specially designed with this mission in mind, the Durendal is named after the sword of Charlemagne's paladin Roland in the legendary literary series, the Matter of France. The Durendal is a hybrid of a frigate class warship and a gunship, it possesses the capability to land on planets and has a fully functional warp drive, but where it really excels is its speed and stealth capabilities. The pilot is aided by a fully functional A.I. which assists in maneuvering the ship. The ship's armament consists of three forward facing laser cannons, two swivel laser cannons, one laser turret and one missile launcher. In combat, the pilot focuses on flying the ship, the A.I. controls the missile launcher and laser cannons while one other crewman mans the turret. The ship's maximum crew is 30 people, though it can be navigated with a minimum of 2. The ship has three levels, on the first level is the [url=http://flagshipgame.com/images/description_thumb.jpg]bridge[/url], escape pods, science and medical labs, armory, firing range and conference room. The second level consists of the crew's quarters, restrooms, gym and mess hall. The third and final level consists of the hanger, main engineering, port cargo as well as a hanger containing five [url=http://d6holocron.com/wiki/images/thumb/4/45/SharpSpiral.jpg/500px-SharpSpiral.jpg]starfighters[/url] and a [url=http://stockcg.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Space-shuttle-unit1.jpg]shuttle[/url]. [u]Crew:[/u] (Bracketed names in bold mark reserved spots] Captain - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1713060]Jon Welch[/url] Helmsman - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1739138]Virgo Freelander[/url] First Officer - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1732173]Jason Gonzales[/url] Chief Engineering Officer - [b][Lone Wanderer][/b] Chief Medical Officer - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1715815]Sham-Usfari[/url] Chief Science Officer - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1715309]Astra[/url] Chief Security Officer - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1716480]Sukara Al Jiro-Vriskarin[/url] Chief Armory Officer - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1726157]Ukkonen Myrkkypilvi[/url] Starfighter squad leader - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1737979]Krystina Markov[/url] Security officer - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1760203]Genevieve Aleron[/url] Dedicated marksman - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1761147]Alexandra Ausfeld[/url] Security officer - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1774610]Maxwell Turner[/url] [hider=Roles of the crewmen:] In order for the ship to run at maximum efficiency, each crewman has a role or multiple roles which they must attend to while on the ship. The captain is the leader of the ship, he is ultimately the one who makes all of the decisions. They lead the crew into battle and are responsible for any negotiations involving the ship and her crew. It is a very difficult job, as such, someone who wishes to become a ship captain in the E.S.C. must join the military then do extremely well in officer training school. Training school to become a captain lasts for eight years, it involves many tests, both mental and physical. The captain of the S.S. Durendal is Jon Welch, a very highly regarded Earth born man who beat out hundreds of other candidates. The helmsman flies the ship, it is a tough job which is why pilots are always carefully chosen. In the event the pilot is incapacitated or otherwise unable to fly the ship, then the A.I. as well as at least one other crewman is capable of flying the ship. The A.I. is unable to fly the ship by itself, there has to always be one other authorized person who flies it. The first officer is the second in command of the ship. In times where the captain is incapacitated or unable to fulfill his role, the first officer takes command of the vessel. The first officer is also the captain's principal adviser, the first person the captain goes to for advice on decisions. It is common for the first officer to be "captains in training", meaning they are often graduates of the officer training program which ship captains had to complete. The chief engineering officer is the head engineer on the ship. They also alert the captain if there are problems with the ship and they typically are tasked with fixing those problems. The chief medical officer is the top doctor on the ship who can perform surgeries. They are sometimes staffed by nurses. The chief science officer is a scientist charged with anything involving biology, archaeology, geology, physics and sometimes psychology. They sometimes command other scientists. The chief security officer keeps the ship safe from boarding parties and other outside threats. They tend to be among the most skilled crewmen in combat. The chief security officer sometimes command other security officers, but depending on the size of the ship they can work by themselves. The chief armory officer is in charge of the ship's armory where they keep the crew's weaponry working, armor in good condition and maintains the firing range. They also are expected to themselves be skilled with firearms. [/hider] [u]Other positions:[/u] (If all the necessary positions are filled) Scientists, nurses, engineers, security officers, four fighter pilots, chef, yeoman and shuttle pilot. [u]Races: [/u] [hider=Humans] Not much has changed about humans in the decades since they first walked on the Moon. They are a well rounded species that is common around the galaxy. Many of them that do not live on colonies choose to take up occupations as traveling merchants, smugglers, mercenaries, assassins and other odd jobs. Humans only recently became capable of interstellar travel, though they should not be underestimated. While they have no real natural advantages over the other species, they instead a very well rounded race capable of becoming skilled in many areas.The human homeworld is Earth, which is very heavily defended. There is no really accurate number of the amount of humans in the galaxy, but the estimates are put at over 15 billion people. Government type - Democracy Strength - The human government, the E.S.C. (Earth Systems Confederation) is a well rounded and large government which represents of all humanity. They have a powerful military which separates them from the others, putting them around the strength level of the Rahq government in pure military might. They are not weak in any other areas, the military and their colonial expansion are just the real strengths of the E.S.C. They have done remarkably well in founding colonies all over the place, if it were not for the latest conflict which caused them to momentarily stop spreading across the galaxy, then they would have continued expanding to other reaches of open space. Backstory - The E.S.C. was founded shortly after they colonized their second planet outside of their home system. Since then, they have been hugely successful in their intergalactic affairs, making allies with other species and creating many trade routes. The only notable conflicts are the first Rahq Wars, which ended thirteen years ago and the most recent battles with the Rahq Collective, which they are trying to avoid turning into a full scale war. [/hider] [hider=Vaxir] Appearance - Vaxir are very similar to humans in appearance except that their hair colors range from shades or red to blue. They also have strangely colored eyes and no ears, just holes. Powers - Some Vaxir are capable of telepathy and telekinesis, the number of them that are capable of either (or both) of these powers is under 5% of total population Strengths - Vaxir are a very intelligent and beautiful people, they excel in areas of science, medicine and art. Weaknesses - Physically they are fragile compared to the other races, this is partly why they tend to avoid combat. Their bones and skin break easier than humans. They often are outmatched in troop vs troop conflicts. Age scale - Their lifespans extend three times as long as humans. Culture - The Vaxir are not very religious as a whole, there are those that believe in a greater goddess who created their species, but most of them don't follow a religion. They accept outsiders to their planets and are friendly to most species, the exception being Rahq, who are not allowed on Vaxir worlds due to conflicts in the past. Their people are said to have the most beautiful singing voices in the galaxy, their artists said to have the greatest brush strokes and their architecture is pleasing to the eye. Homeworld - Fero, a large planet akin to Earth. Rarity - The precise number of them is unknown, but there are estimated to be more of them in the galaxy than there are humans. Government type - Democratic Republic Strength - The Vaxir avoid wars, but will happily negotiate with other races, excluding the Rahq Collective. While their military is not a focus, they are no slouches when it comes to war. They can protect themselves, and as such possess a powerful fleet of ships. Backstory - Not much is known as the Vaxir's history as a species, they definitely become a spacefaring race before humanity did, maybe even before the Rahq did. They say that they entered a brief war with the Rahq shortly after meeting them, which involved the Rahq attack a colony. The war ended quickly as the Vaxir pounded the Rahq back into their home space. [/hider] [hider=Rahq] (UNPLAYABLE) Appearance - [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131122094546/starwars/images/3/3b/Feeorin_gladiator.png[/img] They are a physically imposing race, outclassing others in pure ferocity and intimidation. Their eyes are black and yellow, the skin always a shade of green. The average height of their race is around seven feet. In armor they weigh over 400 pounds. The armor they do wear is of the heavy, highly protective variety. Not many have been seen outside of armor, but those that have tend to favor long robes. Almost every one you see, whether or not they are affiliated with the government will be wearing armor. Powers - Unknown, but it has been speculated that they possess some form of regeneration, but it has never been confirmed. Strengths - The Rahq are physically stronger, quicker and all around more physically powerful than other races. You do not want to get into a fist fight with them. Their skin is very durable as they have been seen shaking off knife wounds. They also can fight in nearly any environment and condition, having been witnessed walking through deserts and mountain ranges to reach their destinations. Weaknesses - The average Rahq footsoldier is not that intelligent, they exemplify the whole walking brute idea. This is not true with the higher ranking ones which are very intelligent. They also are not that skilled in ship based combat. The ideal way to battle them is to avoid a straight on battle, force them to fight ship to ship. Age scale - Unknown, though it is speculated they live longer than humans and Vaxir. Culture - The Rahq are a very mysterious people culturally, we know really nothing about them except that they are war driven. They don't trade with other races, creating their own resources or forcefully taking them. The Rahq are a very brutal people, they have a system of slavery and do not show mercy in war. Scattered Rahq exist that don't associate with the government and can be seen around the galaxy, though these "exiles" are rare. These exiles are most commonly mercenaries, slavers, assassins and bounty hunters. These "freelance" Rahq are ones who either fled or were exiled from their own species, due to some reason such as committing a very serious crime or bringing great shame to their family. They do not speak much about their species when asked. Homeworld - The name is not known, but the planet has been described as covered in water with scattered, smaller land masses. Rarity - Unknown, estimations put them near or above the number of humans. Government type - Dictatorship, one great leader rules besides a council. Though we do not know who the leader is now. Strength - The Rahq government is driven by its massive military. We know almost nothing about them culturally. They have recently allied with the mysterious Prime to form the Rahq Collective. The alliance with the Prime has caused their military to gain even more strength. Backstory - Almost nothing is known about the Rahq's history. They did make contact with the Vaxir before humanity did, fought a brief war then retreated. They reemerged, seemingly observed humanity, then declared war on humanity before a fragile peace was reached. That peace has since been broken. [/hider] [hider=Prime] (UNPLAYABLE) Appearance - [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/295/4/0/male_sci_fi_fighter_01_by_callergi-d5h5njo.jpg[/img] No Prime have been seen outside of their armor, it is unknown if they even have forms under the armor. Some speculate they are war droids of some kind, while others say they are simply a warlike race like race either enslaved or aligned with the Rahq. Powers - Unknown. Strengths - They are extremely competent warriors, those that have seen them in battle atest to them being able to withstand and extend massive amounts of punishment. They are excellent snipers and marksman, able to hit targets with ease. Weaknesses - Unknown, but with enough damage taken they will fall. Age scale - Unknown. Culture - Unknown. Homeworld - Unknown. Rarity - Unknown. Government type - Unknown. Strength - A massive military that works with the Rahq, forming the Rahq Collective. Beyond that, nothing is known about them. Backstory - Unknown, they just appeared when the Rahq reappeared, aiding them in the destruction of a human colony. No corpses have been recovered, as the bodies seemingly disintegrate when they die. An intact Prime body is highly wanted by E.S.C. in order to learn more about the new enemy. [/hider] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1715204]Strag[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1715309]Faira[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1715815]Shuunai[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1726157]Kaarme-ihmisen[/url] [u]General Rules: [/u] 1. No godmodding. 2. Paragraph per post, at least. If you're in dialogue with another person, then make a collab with them. 3. Decent grammar and spelling are needed. I also need you to write in the IC in 3rd person, it's a pet peeve of mine. 4. No auto hitting, I handle that stuff, I promise to be lenient. 5. Don't be an asshole in the OOC. Message me about any disputes, I'll try to solve them. 6. Your character can die. Usually only if you make a really dumb decision such as jumping on a landmine. I'll be lenient here as well. 7. Cursing and romance is cool, just keep the romance PG-13 in the IC. Any further and you take it to messages. 8. Have fun. Feel free to PM me any questions or concerns. I'll also take any suggestions to improve the RP, it's as much yours as it is mine [u]Created Species Guidelines:[/u] 1. Original species only, I don't care if you use the picture of some really obscure Star Wars race, but I just don't want anyone running around as Spock or Turians. 2. The races needed to be reasonable, no twenty foot tall behemoths that spit lightning. 3. If a race has strengths then they needed weaknesses. 4. The sheets don't need to be overly detailed, just fill out the needed stuff. Please post your CSes and Species sheets to the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55874/posts/ooc]Sheets thread[/url]. [hider=Character Sheet] Character name - Nickname - (optional.) Position - Species - Gender - (If your species has them.) Age - (In your species as well as relative to human years. 25 - 45 for humans.) Appearance - (Pics or description, or both. No anime pics.) Height - Weight - Apparel - (What do you wear on missions and out of missions?) Weapons - Equipment - (Non weaponry you carry, includes any augmentations) Skills - Weaknesses - Powers - (Stuff like telekinesis, healing, flying, etc. Don't go nuts.) Likes - Dislikes - Fears - (Everyone is scared of something.) Personality - (Don't have to describe much on this if you don't want to.) Biography - (Don't need to write a book. Make sure to include how they ended up on the S.S. Durendal.) [/hider] [hider=Created Species Sheet] Species name - Appearance - (Pics or description work.) Powers - (Telepathic? Levitation? Water breathing? etc.) Strengths - (Things such as naturally strong, naturally skilled with machines, etc.) Weaknesses - Age scale - (Do they on average only live 50 years? 500 years? 1000 years? No immortality though.) Culture - (How do they act around other species? Any religion?) Homeworld - Rarity - (Are there a very few of them left? Millions? Billions? One or two colonies? Over thirty?) Government type - (Monarchy, democracy, dictatorship, etc.) Strength - (A military superpower? Avoid conflicts involving other races altogether? Don't go overboard, no race should be overly powerful.) Backstory - (When did they take to the stars? Come into conflict with anyone else? Get into wars?) [/hider]