Editted Some stuff: Mainly Digimon names and a couple of moves. Don't know if there is any completed apps yet, but if there is, do let me know and I'll be sure to look them over! In the meantime, I've completed my own app, and boy did it take a while... anyway, here it is! --- [*]Name: Killian Greegas [/*] [*]Age: 19[/*] [*]Appearance[/*] [hider=Interesting...][img=http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j359/Nyanya685/Mobile%20Uploads/sample-97fa1b26710bb304c726ef9d99e23a97.jpg][/hider] [*]Personality: A goofy and silly guy who can be considered to be kind of weird. Why the Forsaken chose him out of everyone is a mystery… Nonetheless, he protects his friends no matter what. He’ll risk his life to save those he likes. Even though he’s strange, and says weird stuff and can be awkward, it doesn’t stop him from talking to anyone. Some people have said that his cheerful and naïve personality might be a cover up for something, but most doubt it.[/*] [*]Partnered to: Jehumon[/*] [*]Backstory: Not much is known about Killian actually… or, he doesn’t say much about himself that is. Only thing is that he was part of a camp somewhere to help people with disabilities and that he enjoyed helping kids who had a hard time making friends; he wanted to be there for those who needed someone; a friend.[/*] [*]Other: A small telescope, a sports headband, and some food supplies from being an assistant camp staff member.[/*] --- [*]Name/Species: Jehumon “Jehu”[/*] [*]Appearance: See Rookie Form.[/*] [*]Personality: Jehumon, unlike others of his kind, is a bit more outgoing and interested in ‘squishy’ things than his metallic comrades. As one of the machines who fine their biology somewhat superior, he comes from a lineage that automatically assumes to be better; thankfully he isn’t like that. One could call her a curious little robot about the world around him.[/*] [*]Backstory: Jehumon has a pretty odd story... one that can be saved for later.[/*] [*]Evolution Line:[/*] [*][indent]Fresh[/indent][/*][hider=MetalKoromon!][img=http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j359/Nyanya685/Mobile%20Uploads/MetalKoromon_b.jpg][/hider] [*][indent]InTraining[/indent][/*][hider=Kapurimon!][img=http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j359/Nyanya685/Mobile%20Uploads/Kapurimon_b.jpg][/hider] [*][indent]Rookie[/indent][/*][hider=Jehumon][img=http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j359/Nyanya685/Mobile%20Uploads/jehuty_chibi_by_newgibson-d5y7tr0.jpg][/hider] [*][indent]Champion[/indent][/*][hider=RaiJehumon][img=http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j359/Nyanya685/Mobile%20Uploads/sample-853f530b9b00be7e79e8a9e1bf0a381f.jpg][/hider] [*][indent]Ultimate[/indent][/*][hider=AnubiJehumon][img=http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j359/Nyanya685/Mobile%20Uploads/sample-9c1dbd0666e827df0d216b2397baafe5-1.jpg][/hider] [*][indent]Mega[/indent][/*][hider=MagnaJehumon][img=http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j359/Nyanya685/Mobile%20Uploads/35daj5t.jpg][/hider] [*]Powers/Abilities:[/*] [*][indent]Fresh[/indent][/*] [indent]Jamming Powder: Releases iron grains to cause temporary disorder in the opponent's AI, then flees while the opponent is confused.[/indent] [*][indent]In-Training[/indent][/*] [indent]Howling Blow: Generates a resonance between its two horns, creating a sound wave that will paralyze even a large Digimon.[/indent] [*][indent]Rookie[/indent][/*] [indent]Razor-Stryker: Extrudes a sharp blade from the left arm before slicing at the form; can be used at anytime and for any length of time. Resonance Jammer: A stronger version of Howling Blow, creating a sound wave that is capable of paralyzing Digimon for short periods of time. [/indent] [*][indent]Champion[/indent][/*] [indent]Meta-Burst: By stretching his wings and spinning rapidly and dispersing energy, he can become a torrent of destruction.[/indent] [indent]Metal-Stinger: An extremely enhanced version of Razor Stryker that is even sharper, longer, and more powerful, capable of searing through steal.[/indent] [*][indent]Ultimate[/indent][/*] [indent]Trinity Streamer: The once elongated weapon on Jehu now curves along his arm and now has two purposes; it now serves as a firearm shooting high powered electric plasma while also working as a sword.[/indent] [indent]Hand of the Machine-King: A power that covers AnubiJehumon's left arm before bursting forth into a single direction; he can also simply have it cover his arm and pound away on foes.[/indent] [*][indent]Mega[/indent][/*] [indent]Duat Destroyer: By focusing all of his hovering wings in a single direction, he can fire them as if they were a massive cannon. The power of this attack is on a nuclear reaction level. Magna Matrix: A very powerful beam that MagnaJehumon builds from his head and fires it at his opponents that stuns them briefly, and also capable of laying waste to large portions of lands at a time. He can charge this while he's moving fairly easily. Lancea Impact: By infusing his energy into the lance that he wields, MagnaJehumon can strike his foes with enough power that it would feel as if a meteor was hitting them. This power is easily capable of creating large craters and even fissures, along with being able to split mountains.[/indent] [*]Other[/*]: Nothing else to add.