Hello. After taking a long, unexpected retreat from RPG, I am back and wantin' to roleplay PM is my favorite way to RP but I'm alright with Threads. [i][b][align=center]Things about me and my roleplaying[/align][/b][/i] -- I normally type from 4 sentences to 3-4 paragraphs depending what I get from my partner. -- I prefer roleplaying a female but I don't mind doubling up at any point in fact I prefer to. -- I don't care much for grammar or spelling so long as I can read and understand your post. [sub]Ex: Billy wakled down the street to the store and began to broswe the shelves in hope of finding what he needed. -This is fine with me.[/sub] -- I like romance roleplays but the roleplay doesn't have to have it. -- I despise chatspeak in a roleplay or script roleplay [sub]Ex. Mina: Hey u *she walks toward Billy*[/sub] -- I prefer to have [[ ]] or (( )) or -- -- to show OOC [i][b][align=center]Topics I wouldn't mind expanding into plots[/align][/b][/i] [hider=Fandoms i would love to do:] --Pokemon --Warrior Cats --Tiger's Curse***(KishanxOC or RenxOC or even OCxKelsey) --Kingdom Hearts --Uta no Prince-sama --Kuroshitsuji --Harry Potter***(RonxOC or OCxLuna) --Percy Jackson**(PercyxOC) --How to Train your Dragon[/hider] [hider=Pairings I won't mind expanding into a plot (*- roles I wouldn't mind playing)] --Professorx*Student --RoommatexRoommate --Best Friend*xBest Friend's older sibling* --Boss*xSecretary* --Heir(ess)*xServent* --NeighborxNeighbor(Girl next door kinda thing)[/hider] Plots i already have made [hider=swan prince(ess)] Instead of castles, knights, princesses, and princes, it will be companies, bodyguards, heir's and heiress to the top companies in the country(or world) The CEO's/owners of the companies want to merge their companies and what better way to do that, then to marry their children together? AndEver since they were young(about 7-10 years old) to their late teens(about 19-20) they would meet for summer and winter break at the other's vacation home. (be it a summer cottage or a ski lodge for winter) They announce the marriage. (Enter character) gets kidnappped when (Enter character) had to go off for a few years to learn about how to run a company. Few years later they meet up again by totally accident, although (enter character) hadn't stopped looking for (enter character).(if we double up) At the same time, the sibling to the kidnapped heir(ess) met someone at a company charity ball that had many of the heirs and heiresses of other companies, be it large or small companies. [enter character] is the youngest heir to the company and wasn't supposed to show up because they haven't been 'announced' as an heir . [/hider] [hider=My precious] A magical object((i don't know what object be it a stone, crystal)) is stated to be seen in the Cave of Ashonak. The magical item is said to grant any wish or increase someone's power a thousandfold. The Cave of Ashonak is a year or so journey from either of the neighboring kingdoms. And so, since the prince of _____________ and the princess of __________ wanted to get out more and see more of the lands around, they are sent on the quest to get it. The princess is a mage/healer while the Prince a warrior with a few spells in his repertoire. They meet up as the Princess, running out of mana to cast spells, is fighing a few bandits and The prince comes and helps her out. They say that they are commoners of their respective kingdom and tell each other they are just looking for the stone just to see if it is real. Their secret about them being royalty comes out when they find the stone.[/hider] [hider=i am me] Shifters are out populated by Humans. 1 shifter to every 20 humans. It was because of this that shifters were being recognized as less then humans and more like animals, despite their heritage showed that they descended from humans. Being sold like pets to some, others were sent to a facility to be experimented on to see what happens under extreme conditions. It was during this that it became known that shifters were better than humans in every way. Be it Intelligence, Strength, Libido, etc. Many shifters were paired with humans for mating and to create better humans despite the animal influence. Those that didn't want to or refused to mate with a human was either made Sterile or Killed. ((Enter Character)) will be just starting in the facility and is about to be paired with a human. They run away and ((Other character)) is sent after them to bring them back. [/hider]