Lily had spent the better part of the next ten minutes walking around the area and waking up more and more people, explaining the situation and doing her best to avoid chaos spreading. Since magic had been introduced into her life, she had experienced many strange things, but none as strange as this. At least a hundred people, if her lazy calculations were correct, had been transported to this place somehow, but she still had no idea why. Everyone she asked only ever answered with "I don't know." No one had any idea when they had gotten here either, as all of them simply answered that they fell asleep at home and woke up here, or with similar tales of suddenly being surrounded by blackness and then waking up. She chewed on her lip as she looked around, brows furrowed and creasing slightly. A good half of the people who were previously asleep were now awake, some waking others while most simply sat on the ground or walked around, wondering what the hell had happened and where they were. One thing she noticed, however, was that just about everyone were in their twenties or thirties, with the few odd person in their fourties. Hardly anyone exceeded that age for whatever reason. "Lily, what should we do now?" Said a voice from behind her, a hand carefully tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around, coming face to face with the first person she had woken up. His name was Agnar and he was originally from Iceland but had migrated to Ireland in his early teens thanks to his parents. He had shoulder length, fiery hair and amber eyes. A large beard reaching a few centimetres down his chest added to his powerful appearance. What's more, he was on the plus side of two metres tall, muscles bulging under his white T-shirt and his jeans. A pair of heavy boots covered his feet, both large which also said something else about him. Probably. He was a Blacksmith before he was transported here, and a Shifter, as he had told Lily. His shifting appearance - if what he told her was true - consisted only of a large hammer appearing in his hand, and his beard becoming longer and tying itself into a braid. The hammer allowed him to strike things with monstrous strength, creating what looked like lightning when he hit metal, and creating thunderclap-like sounds when he struck something if he so desired. She had yet to figure out why he had told her, though she currently went with the idea that it was because he felt he could trust her. Ironically, despite their different in heights, he was the one who looked up to her. She surmised that it was because she had been the first to help him, and seemed trustworthy, both because of her kindness and her immediately taking in their current situation and bringing it under control. Again, she only guessed, but what else made sense? "People are waking up one by one, and it seems that most are doing okay. No one has been screaming or panicking yet, although many are shocked." She smiled up at him. "I think everything is going well. The only question that's left is what we're going to do. We obviously need to find food and water, since I don't think there are any way to get back... at least not in the next few hours." She glanced off to the side, gaze falling onto a brunette wearing pair of jeans, white shirt and a windbreaker. "People will no doubt be getting hungry, so finding something to eat is necessary." She pointed towards the forest. "I'm pretty sure we can find some bushes with berries, perhaps even a few fruit trees in there. Why don't you go check? See if there is something, even if it's only more people... Oh, and be ready to Shift if necessary. We don't know what could happen here." He nodded and walked towards the forest. Lily then turned towards the brunette, intent on asking her a few questions. [i]Here's hoping she's one of the kind ones. Not everyone has been equally nice.[/i] She made her way over from behind, walking in a circle until she was in front of her. "Everything alright?" Lily asked, tilting her head slightly. "You look confused... not that I'm surprised." She was silent for a bit before she made a small 'eep'. "Oh, sorry. My name is Lily, and you?" She extended a dainty hand, smiling kindly.