"She may have a wicked sense of comeback but then again you don't have the skills to make her forget who did it. I actually convinced her for a day that the Councillor had a deadly and highly contagious disease. He wasn't very happy when he finally traced it back to me. I'm still not sure how as searching her memory F.I.L.S.S had no idea. Unless they had a backup system..." He paused as he let his mind drift. "Anyway the point is we all know you're into me. Just ask me out, I'll probably say yes. You don't have to do this whole [i]sneaking around[/i] trying to get my attention. You're an attractive woman. Though now that that is settled. Anybody know why we're all here? We haven't had a joined training mission like this for ages, if it is an op though it has to be a big one and heavily encrypted as on my regular skulking around the computer systems I've found nothing." He paused for a second. "I'll have to remember when I do my skulking around to look around the restricted sections a bit more. That way I won't be as surprised." He flashed a coy grin at Virginia. "Impressed yet?" He didn't really want her to be, though he enjoyed winding her up.