I honestly had lost hope in this thread; I'm glad I thought to check-back(which probably had much to do with adding a link to my bookmarks bar in Chrome). I appreciate the reply and apologize that it took me almost a week to see it. This pace is probably what our roleplay will time to. If that's a problem then I guess we're done, and I'll wait for the next individual. Regarding genre: how about a modern sci-fantasy based in apocalyptic times? I actually once started a roleplay titled "Beyond the Horizon." It took place on a island, with steam-punk-esque technology(think steamboy(?)) and a slice-of-life beginning with a declining apocalyptic tone. The story opened with characters first meeting and interacting via their routine daily schedules, which happened to land them in a bakery/deli type restaurant -and if the story had progressed despite players losing interest or falling to RL issues we would have explored the origins of a wrought individual, who smelled of degradation as he shuffled into the place. The truth was, that this continent-sized island was the proverbial center of the world, shrouded in mystery to the nations surrounding it; veiled by the firmament that kept it sealed-off from the pollution and population of the aging civilizations of the rest of the world. Finally, they had punctured the veil and were ready to invade and investigate all of its secrets. The players would be dropped from their slice-of-life melodramatic adventures into intense fight-for-survival and lesser-evil situations as they got to know each-other and the foreigners that are tearing their lives apart. Magic and other forms of supernatural influences will be far from barred. I'll probably incorporate monsters in the sea around the island and forces unseen that have kept the outer-world from reaching into the utopia for up until the present. Character sheets would be general and only include details that would help develop the plot in more than an action-based level. We'll need love-interest, friendship, conflict, karmic retribution and conviction. Aside from that I've also been trying to get a good roleplay started set in Hell, like,the place. The idea of interacting and adventuring through the darkest of places with the darkest of anti-heroes seems really exciting, but I've yet to come up with a solid plot. Non-linear seems like it would get way out of hand --fast. Dabble through this and give me your feedback, I'll be waiting eagerly, though my response time will be based on how work and classes go for the rest of the week. I have next Monday off, so perhaps by then I'll be back on.