[quote=HylianRose] @ EbilI actually like this. Like, it sounds pretty cool. I'm interested in it.It might need a bit more... work just because it doesn't have any made villains or specific things but the overall idea, I believe, is cool. And I'm not just trying to be nice. Also, if they're targeting all non-human life, include those with powers, wouldn't everyone would be involved? [/quote] Actually, I have some different ideas: - Elijah did [i]not[/i] have a regent, he just lives with a bunch of servants and things who do what he says - Elijah chose to make the HPA, and is the founder [i]and[/i] CEO of the HPA Either: - A: Someone in the HPA wanted control over the HPA themselves, so they turn Elijah into a ghost as cruel irony becuase they're bad like that - B: One of his servants was a supernatural being of some kind and didn't like Elijah trying to wipe out all non-humankind, so they turn Elijah into a supernatural being himself. However, that doesn't succeed in stopping the HPA. What do you think? This would probably turn some of Athalia against Dani, as he was the Head of the infamous HPA. Also, if we do end up doing this, please at least two thirds of the players know what the HPA is. It's not fun if the well known killers of supernaturals aren't known by the supernaturals themselves. I'm also thinking that the HPA could reappear in a second arc, except armed with the sword, not the piece of paper called Money.