The Archangel continued its attack when it tried to destroy the Advancer unit when one of the operatives warned, "Sir, we can't hit that thing!" Terzo saw the ZETA in danger of being attacked when he warned, "The ZETA is getting in our line of fire!" Kira saw the danger the ZETA was in when he ordered, "Cease fire! Cease fire!" The Archangel ended its attacks when the Advancer and ZETA continued their duel. One of the operators recognized what happened with the Advancer's moves when he warned, "That unit is trying to use our strategies against us." Terzo turned to Kira when he pointed out, "I'm afraid there must be a greater problem with this situation sir." Kira nodded when he asked, "You've seen it too?" "We have three Gundams against one unit and their teamwork is lacking in more than one area." Kira sighed when he prayed, "I'll have to hope that they are capable of defending ourselves now." As the Advancer made its attack on the Archangel one of the operators warned, "Commander! The enemy is making the attack to our side!" Kira was quick to order the defenses below, "Brace for impact! Defend our position!" Thankfully the ZETA managed to deter the attack from a fatal blow when Terzo reported, "The enemy's been thrown off course! The ZETA has it!" Kira saw the units engaged in the same intense struggle when he warned himself, "It's not for long..." One of the operators observed the uneven work between the three Gundams when he asked, "Damn it! How long is it before the Centennial does something to take that thing down?!" Sousuke continued to watch the battle when he found the Advancer bringing the Gundams to its mercy. As soon as he heard Terra call her a numbnut to his face he spat back, "Damn it, what's with you?! I'm not some grunt to push around!" Sousuke asked as Terra tried to motivate him to action. When she tried again he told her, "Quit calling me that!" It did however manage to be enough to move him forward into the fray the three Gundams were attempting to finish. Avris's blade was deflected at every chance the Advancer tried to throw the ZETA off course. "Well shit. There it goes trying again." He was quick to take out his Verity's beam rifle when he continued to fire warning the Centennial, "Hey Yamato! Watch yourself!" As soon as he saw the Advancer making its way to the Centennial he saw the ZETA making an attempt to damage the opponent when he warned, "Avert fire! It's got its trying to take advantage of friendly attacks!" He saw the Advancer making its way to the Centennial when he warned, "Listen Yamato, just brush off what the nice lady has to say about you onto the enemy." Sousuke's voice on the other line responded with a irritation dominant in his voice, "Easy for you to say jerk! Maybe you should just let me handle this myself right now!" Avris moved the Verity away from the Advancer's position when he put away his guns for the battle when he recognized the greatest challenge before the three forces. "This continues we're going to be screwed really hard." As the Advancer unit made its way to the third Gundam's position, the Centennial prepared its arm blades for the attack. "Here it comes. Blades ignite!" The Advancer unit began to charge its way towards when the nuclear energy began to course through the blades. This time the armor sliced through the Advancer unit with the goal of seeing its enemy destroyed. The blades worked their way into Advancer unit as it made its lunge when Sousuke told the pilot, "I'm sorry I don't feel anything for you."