Natsumi's chopsticks fell from her hands and clanked against her plate as she heard a nostalgic voice. Turning her head, she saw Juri Aburame. She had not seen her recently, ever since six months ago when the village was taken by the empire she had become like a ghost. Natsumi had missed her, even though the feeling was not mutual. When they were younger, Juri was a friend to her, the Aburame actually smiled, and wasn't someone that appeared to be bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders. Seeing her now, it was frustrating. She'd thought long and hard how she could bring Juri back to a place where she could laugh and consider her a friend, but nothing ever came to her, it was as if she had lost a game with too much at stake. She was in the ANBU now, which meant it was her job to be elusive, both on the job and in her personal life. Kaede's attempt at conversation was ignored, or perhaps she did not even notice it, as her gaze was directed towards Natsumi. Juri's words hurt, but they were nothing compared to the way her eyes bored into her. It was as if she weren't even speaking to a person, but a tool that needed to sharpen up. No rebuttal was given, it would be a waste of breath in a number of ways. She knew she had made a mistake, all she could do was try to learn from it. Chizuma then walked outside, hearing that she was wanted by the Elders. She let out a derisive chuckle and planted her hand on Juri's shoulder. "It hasn't even been a day and the old geezers are already ordering people around. Alright Juri, let's go." She said, already walking off. She looked back towards Natsumi, and told her to get some rest, her daughter nodded, and went back to eating her food. "Nice to see you, Juri." Natsumi muttered under her breath.