Good to hear from ya, Isudae. ^^ A slow pace, as long as it's consistent, sounds perfect to me. Almost all my roleplays at the moment have come to a grinding halt from people disappearing, mainly from waiting on other posts too long. I'm usually on here every day, and my posts are frequent, so we shouldn't have a problem with this sputtering out on us. :) Now, I haven't seen Steamboy, so when I get the chance I'll see if I can find it online. Steampunk has always been an interesting genre, and a bit difficult to visualize, but post-apocalyptic is definitely one of my favourites and I'd be down to do something like Beyond the Horizon. It sounds like a really intense world to explore, and I do enjoy me some magic and phenomena. :D Both of us would be roleplaying a multitude of characters, so I guess there's no need to create huge character sheets, haha. How big should this initial group of heros be? Four people? Five? Ah, while reading your paragraph on Hell I was getting little ideas here and there -- underworld RPs are just so fun. I'd love to do something with that too, cuz confronting the Devil on a Deal gone wrong would be just the beginning of where that roleplay could go. But it's whatever you feel more strongly about, that's what we'll go with. I'm personally finding a lot of interest in 'tearing down the veil' in Beyond the Horizon. XD Mm, I can work on a couple CSes if you could start a thread for us. I'll be following your lead while we organize and get this roleplay ready to rock. I think this is gonna be a good narrative, and I'm excited to work with you. :)