[Center] [I] "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?'" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.'"[/I] --- [B][I]Come on little rabbit you have to wake up..[/B][/I] [I]argh... leave me alone... It's too early..[/I] [B][I]You can sleep later.. You have to get moving..[/I][/B] [I] Why can't you just leave me alone? [/I] [B][I] Because little rabbit the hunt is about to begin and the cat has been let out its cage... Tick Tock goes the clock..[/I][/B] [I] Fine... But who are you?[/I] [B][I] That's a good question...[/I][/B][/center] She awoke slowly as if she was swimming back from the bottom of a very large lake. Dreams and memories clung to her like oil and tried to drag her back into sweet unconsciousness which after the events that would occur maybe that might of been the better option to pass away unaware of the madhouse she was dragged into. But something deep within herself knew that she had to get up that if she did not wake up very soon that there would be no going back to what she once had. But it was hard everything her memories and perception felt muted and groggy as if she had been drugged or maybe gotten hit in the head. But slowly the world came back to focus somewhere far above her and she reached up with a hand to try and gasp the faint orb of light. And then her eyes opened and she was greeted with the sounds of silence except for one thing the faint struggling breath of something far above her. Almost immediately her body reacted as she could almost feel her heart pounding against her chest at the force of a battering ram as epinephrine was released into her body and she prepared to run and when she tried to get up she found out the second surprise to her current situation. She was restrained to what felt either like a table or a slab of some sort by something or another with restraints around her ankles and wrists as well as some sort of heavy fabric covering her eyes. The only thing that was free seemed to be her ears which could pick up sounds as perfectly as before. Though the only one that she heard at the current moment was the breathing of something or someone that was watching her as she was bound like a sitting duck or if you prefer an insect caught in a spiders web. Every fiber of her bod was currently yelling at her to run away and get the hell out of where ever she was and to find a nice corner to preferably curl up into a ball and cry and she really wanted to follow that instinct but she had to get out of her current predicament first. She tried to calm herself down counting the seconds that went by in her head trying to get a constant going something she could focus on and her body stopped shaking a little bit. She needed to find something to get her hands free but that was harder said then done when you are strapped down and waiting for the villain to murder her. She thought for a moment about how James Bond always seemed to get out of these situations but she did not have a phone shoe or a pocket laser, if she did things might be a lot less complicated . [I]Maybe.... there is something in reach of my hands.[/I] Rei wondered to herself and experimentally reached out blindly like a leaper who's eyes had been lost long ago to disease trying to find her way. As she did this she heard more then just the heavy breathing that was getting closer and closer and was not helping her stay calm as she felt soft tremors go through her body tingling up and down her spine. The sounds she heard were hard to describe something that sounded like a voice but muffled and far away as if coming through a wall and then distorted shouts and yells..... and then nothing at all except the faint sound of... was that a violin? What kind of fucked up situation had she gotten herself into? It was around this time that the fingers of her left hand brushed against something cold and metallic in the limited jerking movements they could do with her wrists restrained. She almost gasped out of surprise and happiness she nudged whatever it was gently towards her and she heard the distinct ting of metal instruments sliding atop of whatever it was. Was it a tray? Or maybe one of those things they have at the dentist office where they put their tools? That one kind of made sense considering guessing from the size and position she was on some sort of table maybe it was an operating table? But why would somebody abduct her then leave her on an operating table and where else did they have operating tables beside hospitals? Using very small movements as too not excite whatever creature was above her and trying best to stop her hands from shaking she pressed a finger against the tray and titled it forward something slid out of it and into her hand. Making sure the tray would not fall over and alert her guest she closed her hand against the object that fell from it. It was short and had a handle but as she ran her finger up against it she felt something much more useful a sharpened edge. Maybe a medical scalpel of some sort? Whatever it was she could use it to get the hell out of there. It was right about then that her friend seemed to grow bored from just watching in the dark and descend upon her. She could not see it come down and for that she might of been grateful but she did feel it come down and her hair stood on end as she felt a large and heavy presence seemingly stop inches above her. Then she felt the warm breath of something extremely alive against her face it smelled of an odd combination of industrial cleaner and was that flesh? If her heart was not pounding now it surely was at that moment as it slammed against her chest with the force of a megaton bomb. Then the damn thing deiced to lick her with a tongue that could only be described as coarse as sandpaper even though it felt oily and slick as it slid across her face and down her neck. It was at this time that her body jerked upwards and she let out a muffled cry of protest at the thing. Though little did Rei know when it came to monsters they really did not care about how you felt about them eating you. In her reaction she almost lost her escape instrument as it slipped from her palms barely being able to catch it between two of her fingers before it fell to the floor below. She was shaking and her heart was beating at a mile a minute and she was on the verge of relapsing into a vegetated state of panic and that would not be good. So she tried her best to focus to block out the tongue as it slid up and down, to block out it all and concentrate on escaping. She began to think of the biggest numbers she could those four or five digits long and began to break them down into their prime numbers. It helped a little bit and the shaking being a dull tremor as she pulled the bladed thing back up and into her palm with her two fingers, the giant creature being too preoccupied to have noticed. It was a strange thing of how the human brain surprised even itself under pressure, how it could force the body to do things it would never even think of doing for the sake of survival. Rei slowly jerked her head away from the hand that held the blade drawing the tongue and hopefully the head and eyes of the creature eye from what her other hand was doing as she just exposed the entire other half of her face and neck to the thing. Biting down on her own tongue in her mouth to muffle the screams of protest she would otherwise be yelling trying to keep calm. And very slowly she dragged the scalpel up her palm and to her right wrist her body was still shaking and was trying very hard to cut herself as she began to press the blade up and into the restraint cutting through slowly with one very small movement after another. Now all that was left was figuring how to keep the thing above her preoccupied long enough for her to set her hand free.