Colorado clapped as Virginia went out. "And that ladies and gentlemen. Is why I like her. It really is." He was grinning at this point, where was the fun without some playful banter between co-workers. Freelancers often missed out on all of the fun. He moved back to lean against the wall as the door closed behind Virginia. "I swear to god, if she was straight I would marry that girl. I really would." He pulled his tablet off his belt and powered it up before accessing the ships systems. "Juvenile." He laughed a little bit. "Hey, F.I.L.S.S""Yes Agent Colorado?""I do not believe that it is Virginias turn to use the simulator.""You are correct." He smirked as he rewrote a couple of lines and a hatch on the door turned locking it, there was as usual a vent but the schematics didn't show it having an exit until several doors down. So he sealed those ones as well, it wouldn't stop her when she figured out she was locked in but it would slow her down. He looked at the mission list of scenarios. He flicked through them. "Let me see, let us chose..." He finally came across one. "Central Australian outback in the desert, mid summer. Warmest day of the year with no air conditioning." He thought of Nevada who called him Cal, when technically it was Col. Whatever worked. With that he didn't input the training program. Though it was punishment enough for her, being stuck in a room with a man. Until she found the concealed vent, of course she would he had no doubts there. He just wondered whether or not he should have given Nevada backup or not. He looked at the other three freelancers in the room, Georgia the intimidating one. He himself could use sign, he could read it better than speak in it though it was important he could speak to anyone. Alabama was also there, the friendly face and of course their resident train-aholic California who probably wouldn't see the joke. He took out his wallet. "Anyone want to bet how long it is before she kills him? Or do you think if I crank the heat up she'll go straight and get with him?"