I'm really interested, as well! You had me at character development~ ;) I'm always up for a good ol' fantasy quest; perhaps not at too high a setting, but I certainly wouldn't be against it. Lately, though, I've had a hankering for a more contemporary fantasy RP, so I'm most intrigued by your three different worlds/locations idea. Magic (or any other supernatural elements) in a modern setting is always fun; we can have secret societies or have it already integrated within the world and explore that. Cyberpunk isn't out of the question for me either, but I'm not the most experienced with the genre. And I really like your idea of doubling up because it definitely allows for so many different dynamics (both within the pairs and the group). I actually can't decide which I like better, though: having the pairs completely unaffiliated with the others, or having them all interconnected in a six degrees of separation sort of way (the reveal would be cool, and I'm a fan of when things come full circle). There's just a lot you can do either way.