Gabe sighed, reaching his hand into his waistband and grabbed the pistol. He handed the gun back to Joe, "fine. I'll grab one from one of the marines we take out. Just to be sure, we're just going to gas a few people and then escape, right?" Gabe grabbed the other baton, as Myztii had the other. "Once we take out the marines we should be able to get our hands on some big guns. I'm talking about AK's AR's and other assault rifles. Maybe even some shotguns. The rest should be home free. We shouldn't go around killing them though, we'll be sent to jail if we get caught." Gabe wondered if the virus was airborne, he had heard that it was lethal. He would worry about that later. First, he would have get out of this hell hole. It was against the law to hold people against their will.