[quote=HylianRose] OH! What if the supernatural being was trying to show Elijah what it was like to be what he was trying to kill. Kind of like a 'Step into my shoes and see what it's like for the people you kill.' I just don't know how a supernatural being could turn someone else into a supernatural being like a ghost. Like.. Can ghosts do that? 'BAM. I NOW PROCLAIM YOU A GHOSTY.' [/quote] :O But Dani forgot everything from his life, so s/he wasn't quite successful in his/her objective. Maybe s/he was new on the job, and hadn't realized Dani would gain amnesia! And I don't think ghosts can turn other people into ghosts. I don't even know how one becomes a ghost. Hold on a sec while I look it up... EDIT: According to the few sources I looked in, ghosts are just people who are so attached to the real world, they just don't move on. They could be attached to the world through various ways. Some include A: A loved one B: A job left unfinished C: Complete fear of the after life It seems one doesn't just make a ghost like one would make a zombie or golem. Welp, it's time to bend previous myths slightly.