Everyone was mingling and exchanging names. This trip to the arcade was becoming quite the social gathering. Sachiko had always half wondered if video games weren't for more withdrawn types, but it seemed like it was quite the opposite right now. She noticed Noboru depart from the group to greet some other guy. She was finding so many new people just by going with Noboru to the arcade once. She might've gone over and joined him in greeting the other man, if she hadn't noticed that Kami seemed rather perturbed by something. Sachiko wasn't aware of the inner workings of his mind, so she didn't realise what had made him suddenly become gloomier. She was about to start inquiring as to what was up with him, when she heard him stammer out a name. [b]"Ayano....?"[/b] She said directly after his statement. Following his gaze, her vision quickly locked on target. [b]"Aha!"[/b] She exclaimed, as she bounded forward, quickly seizing Ayano with a vice like grip by the wrist. [b]"So THIS is where you've been hiding! I'm going to have to come here more often, aren't I? Now get over here!"[/b] She began to drag Ayano over to their little group, and she wasn't about to let her wrest free until she had her over there. [b]"Rui, this is Ayano Wakahisa, an old friend of mine and these two."[/b] She pointed to Kami and Kato when mentioning 'these two'. [b]"Goodness me, Ayano, it's been too long! You need to tell us all how you've been!"[/b]