Name: Marjorie Elaine Rourke Age: 20 Gender: Female Fears: Being alone, Spiders, the dark Position: Passenger Personality: Marjorie or Marjie as she prefers to be called is a curious and wide eyed young woman, with eyes and head filled with adventure. She's spirited and adventurous, yet strong hearted and stubborn. She's a sweetie for the most part except when forced into the customs and gender role of her times. She's a progressive thinker. History: Marjorie was born the only child to a very rich and distant family in Mississippi. As life would have it Marjie was raised by an elderly governess, the woman staying with her and being her only friend well into her life. As fate would have it, it was her governess who attended the cruise with her, her parents sending the child away for a small vacation on Marjie's insisting. Unfortunately Marjie was not able to make it to a lifeboat in time and her dutiful governess stayed by the young woman's side all throughout what they though would be the end. When she awoke her governess was nowhere to be found, most likely not surviving the ordeal. Pic/Description: [img=] Other: She is an aspiring violinist and used to sit for hours watching the ship's musicians play. She brought her treasured instrument along with her.