Cynric was surprised that he had not killed the two imperial women under his command. They had all of the qualities that Cynric detested in a person. Bubbling happiness, overconfidence and stupidity. Cynric was confused as to how they had not got themselves killed already in their travels. From the story's that Cynric had been told by the pair they should have been dead 2 years ago. There was some light in the darkness though. The Orc was slowly but surely becoming a better cook day by day, he had already read through all of Cynric's books and had asked to get more next time they made port. Cynric was happy that at least one of the three people assigned to him new what they were doing. Cynric managed to gather his small cooking crew together before they had made port for a short meeting. [b]"Okay my budding Chefs. We will be reaching land soon and I hope you use the time on land wisely. Do not go partying or doing anything that might draw attention to yourself or this ship. In fact, I have a task for you all. I want you to visit any place that cooks food and pick up some new recipes which I then want you to cook for me to taste. The winner will get this."[/b] Cynric placed a small bag of gold on the chopping board. [b]"There is a small amount of gold in this pouch that should keep you happy should you win it. Apart from that there is nothing else that I need to tell you. So go and enjoy yourselves. But not too much."[/b] Once the ship finally had landed he dismissed his charges with a nod of his head. The two Imperial women screamed like little girls as they ran off the ship bounding away into the busy streets. Cynric sighed deeply, looking over at the orc he saw him shaking his head slowly at the two girls he walked slowly into the street admiring the shops that littered the streets. [i]Well.[/i] Cynric thought. [i]At least I have one level headed individual.[/i] Calling over two orcS he ordered them to pick up the supplies that he needed and to put them onto the ship for him.