[quote=Feigling] Subbed.Sorry guys, I'm British. Our camps are named after the founders or the place it's situated and they rarely have "Camp" at the begining of their names.And why settle for one terrain? There could be mountains to one side and forest on the other. Or a mountain with a forest. Either way, there should be some kind of difficult terrain, preferably the camoflauge of a forest or wood. [/quote] Well I imagined the mountains to be forested anyway; vast carpets of pine with snow capped peaks jutting out. [hider=I was picturing something like these parts][img]http://cdn2.landscapehdwalls.com/wallpapers/1/mountain-lake-644-1920x1080.jpg[/img] [img]http://cdn2.landscapehdwalls.com/wallpapers/1/mountain-lake-479-2560x1600.jpg[/img][img]http://cdn2.landscapehdwalls.com/wallpapers/1/mountain-lake-561-1680x1050.jpg[/img][img]http://www.windows-8-wallpapers.com/wallpapers/magical-mountain-lake-windows-8-wallpaper-1440x900.jpg[/img][/hider] Links for those who couldn't see them [url=http://cdn2.landscapehdwalls.com/wallpapers/1/mountain-lake-644-1920x1080.jpg] [url=http://cdn2.landscapehdwalls.com/wallpapers/1/mountain-lake-479-2560x1600.jpg] [url=http://cdn2.landscapehdwalls.com/wallpapers/1/mountain-lake-561-1680x1050.jpg] [url=http://www.windows-8-wallpapers.com/wallpapers/magical-mountain-lake-windows-8-wallpaper-1440x900.jpg] Anyway yeah these places look very out of the way, so I doubted that a camp would be in a place like those to begin with. Aside from the terrain though, I feel that maybe the camp should have some sort of ongoing contest (Painting, carving, writing, archery, soccer, any other kind of sport, etc. I think this would add a layer of depth to the world.).