Josh awoke to the usual sounds of the subway which had kept him company for the now year he had been hiding out down here, the darkness only penetrated by his pip-boy light. He stood, awoken from his slumber by a disturbance deeper into utility hallway he currently resided in. It couldn't have gotten past the traps so it must have been something that knew the hidden in's and out's as he did, the 'rad-rats' he liked to call them, they were essentially really big rats, a few sizes bigger than a radroach. Those were his main enemy,besides the could that would wander in and trigger his traps, the rat's were fast and pretty intelligent for radioactive rodents. Tunnel rat crouched down, sneaking out of the closet he had slept in just my luck he thought. One raider stood before him, smoking a cigarette, Tunnel rat snuck up behind him ever so quietly, and thruster his knife into his back. His gurgles rang throughout the corridor Tunnel rat dropped the body, hoping he was alone but he most likely was not. He moved into a dark corner of the corridor and turned off his pip-boy light.