Karia could feel herself become warm as her anger flaired when the men continued to secure her, a hand going to cover her mouth. It was then that the boy from before appeared, moving quicker than anything she had seen and threw the men about as if they were dolls. As he attached one Karl had been able to stand then, swing his piece of wood over the hunched form as it attempted to stand again before eventually reaching out and touching the light pole next to him, blowing it. As the sparks fell glass pieced the man and he evaporated causing Karia the stare helplessly as the boy ripped her assailant away. She tipped forward from the sheer force but he grabbed her, his touch cool against her now almost hot skin. She was pissed, dressed in not but a swim suit being attacked with her midnight snack strewn and crushed over the parking lot and now, above all else, her attackers were evaporating. As the boy that had just saved her moved to pumble the creature he had picked off of her like an apple Karia turned to see the last one standing before her. “What do you want?” Her hair was now beginning to glow a bit as she screamed at the creature, a grin forming on what of the face she could see. Before she could react the creature pointed a single bony finger at her and disappeared, having acknowledged its losses. What the hell did they want with her? Before she could think too long on what this meant the boy rushed over and grabbed her hand, still rather warm, and pulled her along. "Grab your ghost and let's go. My car is just a few blocks up ahead and I'm thinking these guys weren't interested in your oreos." “Don’t have to tell me twice.” Karl dropped the stick and ran up beside them. Karia was too pissed to be afraid of the boy next to her, why save her if he wanted to hurt her later right? As they ran Karia kept her speed well, being a rather athletic girl, and spoke as she moved. “Who are you?” It was blunt but considering what had just happened she didn’t feel bad.